Chapter 11 《The rooms of wonders》

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Soviet began to laugh too. When both of them stopped laughing, they looked at each other. "We're pretty clumsy today.", giggled Reich. Soviet Union agreed with him.

After they had driven around a bit on the train, Reich brought the train to a stop and asked: "Would you like to help me lay the rails in the rooms and then decorate everything? Then I can show you the rest of the rooms and we have enough to do while we spend time down here." "I am very happy to help you.", came from the grinning Soviet.

Third Reich helped Soviet Union off the train. While Reich was sorting all parts of the route again, Soviet looked at Reich's plan. He quickly noticed that either the rooms were very large or that Reich had made too many sections of the route.

Third Reich came to him and explained: "In the room that you saw, I want to recreate a shiny and glittering sea with fabrics as decoration. In the room next to it it is wintery. In this room I want it colorful. There one kind of little forest. Over there dark, over there a red carpet. And here flowers made of felt. I want the route here white. There should be gold pieces. There something dark. In the room next to it crystals. And there pillows. There simple tiles and in in the kitchen I'll make various things out of dishes. And in the end just a wooden walkway here."

"That's a lot.", came from USSR. "I really have a lot of ideas. But I'll take over the dark room because it's... very strange.", said Third Reich. "As you like.", replied Soviet.

They started with the wave decoration. Together they found a good combination for the room and put everything under the track before fixing everything so that it stayed in place.

Then they took care of the holes in the walls that they cut out of the wall. Soviet also had the idea of ​​a traffic light and a barrier for safety. Reich loved his idea and while Soviet Union was laying the route, he took care of the traffic lights and the barrier.

They carried on with the little forest. In the room there was really a kind of forest with a path. The room was very, very high and went very far. "This is where I go with Kira if she needs a walk.", Reich told him.

In the room with the crystal decorations there was a kind of crystal cave.

In the room where the felt flowers come there are fields full of plants.

The room with the pillows for decoration was the bedroom.

Then came the room with the red carpet, which was a whole movie theater.

The room with the winter decoration was a small amusement park, which also reminded of a folk festival.

The art room has the colorful decoration.

Yesterday's doctor's room was white.

Tile for a large bathroom, with a pool.

Then the kitchen and the workroom.

The decoration with the gold pieces and coins was the room where Third Reich stored his gold.

"Soviet?", asked Reich after the attention of Soviet Union. "Yes?", he asked. Third Reich said: "Do you remember our game of chess, where you got a fifty gold pieces, you returned the fifty to me and Britain took a hundred before a hundred gold pieces and your hat were in a bag at your door?"

Soviet Union quickly realized that Reich had done that. He immediately hugged him. Reich was happy that Soviet was happy about it. "That was really nice of you!", came from Soviet Union. "I was happy to do that for you.", came from the happy Reich.

"Why did you actually give me so much gold?", Soviet asked his friend, confused. Third Reich answered: "I wanted to make you happy with it."

After the hug they continued to work until the route was finished and then they took the train to the kitchen. Reich and Soviet made soup together and ate it on the train that drove them slowly through the various parts of the place. Kira also sat down on one of the seats and had received a bowl of dog food from Reich.

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