Chapter 16 《The Broken Heart》

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When Reich woke up, he was severely cold. He was still on the ground by his dog's cold corpse.

The poor Countryhuman was so devastated he laid on the ground no matter how cold and wet it was.

His hope for something positive vanished with his companion's soul when she left her body.

She had fulfilled her purpose in this body and that is something not even a demon can change. Kira's soul isn't quite gone yet because she still wanted to stay with Reich as she had already taken care of him for a number of years and still wanted to see if he could get better later or not.

However, Third Reich thought he had lost her altogether, which only made this goodbye harder.

With a lack of hope, Third Reich laid on the ground. He didn't move, except for his chest to rise with his breathing.

The lonely Countryhuman felt empty and without any enjoyment of life. It was a cloudless morning, but only yesterday's storm clouds and rain clouds floated over Reich.

Full of gloating, Britain walked across the street. When he saw Reich, he wanted to take care of him here and now, but in the middle of the street in daylight wasn't the best idea. It would be wonderful for him, but he knew not everyone was as faithful as they made out to be.

Still, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to help him feel bad or awful even more, or at least just get his plan moving more.

Britain needed him all by herself for a period of time, isolated from everyone else. No one was allowed to visit him and that with Soviet was already settled and Austria soon too, since Reich's energy was already very weakened by the demon. Soviet wouldn't dare to leave his house for a while and Austria will cut ties with him and hopefully end the friendship even before the ritual.

Britan goes to the injured Countryhuman and says disinterestedly: "Just get another dog!"

Third Reich shuts his eyes tight, as if refusing to even think about opening his eyes.

"And you can just remove the other wing with a saw.", says the tall Countryhuman.

Third Reich briefly moves his wing and the other's remains to remind himself that not only his friend, but also his only way out of here is out of reach for him.

"Get up and go to work, then at least you won't be in anyone's way and the body will be taken care of right away!", ordered Great Britain to Reich.

Third Reich shakes his head slightly because he doesn't have that much power.

Britain motioned to those he had summoned to throw the dog's body into the sea to dispose of the body, bestowing no dignity and to make her unattainable for Reich.

Reich held on to her even more desperately when he saw the man in a suit that Britain had asked to come walking towards him.

Britain dragged Reich, who had barely any strength left in his body and the man dragged away Kira's lifeless body and the bloody wing.

When the man was gone, Britannia just dropped Reich on the ground, hurting him even more, but he didn't indicate anything, just lay there.

When the man returned, he cleared the street and disappeared while Britain grabbed Reich by the arms and dragged him towards the house.

Reich's white feathers were soiled by the blood, water and dirt of the road as his wing dragged along. Third German Reich simply let himself be dragged to his house. He was completely exhausted and had no strength left.

Britain had to open the front door and threw him into his house before slamming the door which had almost caught Third Reich's foot. Grinning with success, Britain disappeared again.

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