Chapter 5 《Time together》

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A week had passed. Reich stayed at home and nothing was heard from Austria. For this, Reich and Soviet met every now and then and talked a little. Both trusted each other more and more and slowly developed a kind of friendship.

Third Reich went for a walk on the beach with his dog again. Kira ran to the water and played with the waves. She ran away when the water came towards her and ran over to it, making noises as the water receded.

Reich couldn't help but laugh. Kira was already nine years old, but was very fit and enjoyed playing.

Third Reich slowly became sad again as he sat on a large rock and watched his dog. Two thoughts came into his head. Reich would like to have children and is afraid of losing Kira because she was no longer the youngest.

He was sad about both. He would never be able to persuade Britain and who knows, maybe the child can't stand him or is afraid of him, he thought. Unfortunately, most Countryhumans couldn't have children themselves and neither could he, since that had been involuntarily taken from him a long time ago.

Reich looked into the distance, but saw nothing more than the seemingly endless sea. A few gulls and other birds flew across the cloudless sky.

"Hello Third Reich!", Reich heard next to him, but a little away from him. He looked over and saw Austria. She ran to him. She gave him a light hug. Reich was frozen at first, but gave her a hug back.

Reich asked, "Where have you been?" She told him: "First I Great Britain yelled at me and I had to clean his office before I had to travel to my country. I am so glad to see you!"

She let go of him and sat next to him. Third Reich and Austria looked each other in the face. Both wanted to say something, but they looked each other so deeply in the eyes that they forgot their words.

Kira's barking let both of them look at the dog. "What's up?", Reich asked his dog, "Are you bored or are you jealous because there are no other dogs on the island that you can make friends with?"

Kira briefly had a position, as if she were stretching so that he knew what she wanted. "You want to play with the ball?", asked Reich, getting a tennis ball out of his pocket, because he threw it, so that he could probably have set a world record. Kira ran after the ball.

What Reich didn't notice was that Austria was looking at him and watching every move he made. She found every movement, no matter how small, elegant and wanted to see more of it.

Reich was a very strong Countryhuman who shouldn't be underestimated. He didn't hurt a fly, but if he were brave enough everyone who messed with him would only lose within seconds and not just lose the fight. Reich didn't want to use his strength because he was afraid he was too strong, so he preferred to run away instead of defending himself.

Third Reich looked away from Kira again, knowing that she would find the ball. He started talking to Austria again.

Soviet Union was walking along the beach and there was a neon green tennis ball in front of him. Then he saw a dog running towards him. He quickly realized that it was Kira. He took the ball and wiped the sand off the ball. Kira came to a stop in front of him.

"Sit!", the Countryhuman ordered the dog, before she listened to his command and received the ball from him as a reward.

The dog proudly ran to her owner, while Soviet followed the dog.

When Third Reich saw Soviet Union, he waved to him. Soviet also waved to him and sat down with them. "How are you?", Soviet asked her. "Good.", came from Austria. Soviet Union sat to the left of Reich. "I'm fine too and I'm happy to see my two friends.", Reich says happily and put his arms around his friends shoulders, whereupon they both came closer to him.

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