Chapter 12 《The new job》

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Reich sat down across from Britain and waited. Soviet Union sat down next to him and waited too.

"Third Reich, I think you've already heard from your friend Soviet what it's about.", came from Britain.

"Yes, it's some kind of work?", he asked uncertainly.

"Exactly! It's a small decision given the current issues you're having with other Countryhumans and with me.", he explained, "You're supposed to be working in a workroom in this new job and I'm going to give you a few key points and you will invent something around these key points and then build it. You have as much time as you need for this device, but you have to show up at least once a week. You can choose someone to help you with the work, I would recommend a Countryhuman with no country or no company."

"Are there any other duties or requirements apart from being there once a week?", Third Reich asked skeptically.

"Not really, except that as long as you're working there, you have to wear that bracelet all the time, even at home.", Britain says, before taking a metal bracelet from his pocket.

Reich takes the bracelet and looks at him questioningly.

Britain quickly explained: "It's not technology, it's just made of naturally occurring minerals and aluminum."

"Then you can have it back, I don't want anything to do with any occurring minerals, which I'm sure you don't want to tell me!", came from him before handing the bracelet back to Britain.

Britain looked at the bracelet, slightly annoyed, before putting it away.

Soviet Union looked back and forth between the two in confusion. He didn't understand Reich one bit.

"How about that steel bracelet?", Britain asked, pulling out another bracelet from the other pocket.

Third Reich stretched out his hand and his opponent handed it to him. He examined it curiously.

"Are there other materials in there?", Reich asked.

"Yes, but they're just gems, like rose quartz.", said Britain.

Greater German Reich demanded: "Show me these gems!"

Great Britain took the bracelet back and took off a kind of cap so that the different stones could be viewed. The stones were mixed and seemed beautiful.

But Reich immediately had another question: "Why are the gems in the bracelet and not on the outside? Wouldn't they look better outside?"

Great Britain was visibly annoyed by his questions.

"I don't know! It doesn't matter!", he said annoyed, but tried to stay calm.

"Great Britain, it's important to me because I don't trust you!", Greater German Reich made it clear to his counterpart.

Soviet Union continued to sit to the side, watching the two of them. He was fascinated by the courage Third Reich possessed and that he saw Britain not as someone superior to him, but as someone his size. This courage fascinated and amazed him at the same time.

He would like to be as steadfast as his friend Reich. It was a wish, through his admiration and hadn't involved any jealousy.

"Tell me why it is like this!", Greater German Reich commanded his counterpart.

"Again, I don't know, you either wear the bracelet and get a new job or you can keep wasting your time in the hole where all the other Countryhumans are.", Britain clarified.

Both Countryhumans gave each other venomous looks. Third Reich's gaze showed more seriousness, while Great Britain's gaze revealed its hatred for his opponent.

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