"Dont cry Zara. You cant fucking leave me. I need you."

"Dont act like it." I say wiping my tears angrily. "Fuck you Kain." I say as I smack his arm off of me and push him off and start hitting him. Kain doesnt even stop me or my hits.

Behind me I feel Zade pull me off Kain. "Let me go Zade." I say as I try get to Kain. Maybe he would feel as bad as me?

"Cut it out." Zade says pushing me back standing in between us.

"Lets go." He says and I wipe my tears and Zade grabs my bags and my arm pulling me out.

I cried up till we got the Zade's place. He had moved into an apartment in Brooklyn. "This is your room." He says opening the spare room.

"Thanks." I say as I had turned into an empty bag of dehydration. "Come lets get some food." He says. "Ill make you breakfast."

"I am not in the mood to eat. I feel sick." I tell him. I wanted to throw up all over again. "I drank too much last night. I think I have alcohol poisoning."

"Go to bed then." He says. "Here." He says handing me orange juice. "And give me your phone or turn it off."

"I turned it off." I say not needing Zade to see whats on my phone. The amount of nudes and videos of me and Kain I had on there wasnt great.

8 days later I have gotten myself out of bed. My phone has been off and Zade fed me by force here and there.

"So you know its pretty easy to find out what your asshole boyfriend has done?" Zade says as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah google." I say. "The whole world knows."

"Lets get you outside. Fresh air." He says and I shake my head. "No thank you." I say. "Im staying inside."

"Okay.. I am just going to count my blessings that youre out of bed." He says. "I need to go check in on ZNZ. Opening night Friday."

"Oh yeah." I say. "What day is it?"

"Thursday." He says. "I need you in there Zara. I cant let Kain ruin this for us."

"Dont be as dramatic as me. I am going to be fine." I say sitting down.

"Whats your plan today?" He asks me.

"Turn my phone on and face the mess that is my life." I say and he nods.

"So you wanna break it down for me."

"Nothing to break down. He fucked some model in Paris and his ex- girlfriend told me about it at a party."

"Dont let me see that man anywhere." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Fuck him up, I dont care." I say and Zade raised his eyebrows. "Yeah? Okay." He says.

"He could be dead for all I care."

"Has he cheated on you before?" He asks and I nod. "Shut up."


"No." I say shaking my head. "I do not need the speech of once a cheater always a cheater. I do not need it."

"Whatever. You go near him I will kill him myself." He says getting up. "Hannah called me. I told her youre here, I think shes coming by later."

"I am not turning that phone on at all then. Also why does Hannah have your number?"

"Shut up." He says and I just look at him raising my eyebrows.

"Well you better turn something on. Use your crazy scandal to promote the club." Zade says and I sigh. "Sure exploit my heart break." I say

"Love you sis." He yells as he leaves.

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