Chapter 82

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Third Reich's view:

My daughter really didn't deserve that! S-She could have been herself again. She could have been the FRG that she once was. FRG, proud that I was her father. The one who loved mythical creatures and would have liked to be one herself. The one who only claimed to have nightmares just to be around me. She was the smartest and most affectionate of the two.

FRG used to read me books at night because she wanted to read more than anything else in the world. I would love to kiss her forehead again to put her to sleep and sing her a good night song. I want to tell her that I love her and will do anything for her because she is my daughter and I love her unconditionally. No matter what she did, I love her.

I want to hold her in my arms and kiss her cheek like everything is fine. I love her so much! I raised her. She is still my daughter! I cling to Soviet and cry without end. i want my daughter back I should have died and not her! I keep pushing myself against Soviet, who tries to calm me down by stroking my back.

"Can I see her body later?", I ask him curiously. "Yes, you can, but later please.", he says, "I want to cuddle with you and rest with you." "Yeah, some rest would be nice.", I agree. I wipe my eyes so I can open them and look up at Soviet, who is smiling lovingly at me.

I also give him a loving smile. I snuggle up to his chest and put my hands on them as well. He has his arms lovingly around me. I love Soviet tenderness so much. Something feels strange about my right arm. I look at my right arm and see nothing. "Is everything alright Reich?", he asks me a bit concerned. "I had something injected in my arm from Britain.", I tell him.

He removes his arms from my back to gently place his hands on my arm. I have to smile a little from his focused looking expression. "I can't see anything.", he says with a smile. Fortunately! And I already had a bad fe- "Ah!", comes out. Something hurts in my arm. Soviet immediately asks me worried: "What's up?"

"There's something wrong with my arm.", I tell him, which he takes a good look at. Soviet says: "I can't see anything, but I'll let my son know so he can help you." He gets up and I cling to him and ask: "Soviet, could you please take me with you?" He wraps an arm around my back and holds me with one hand on my butt.

"You're welcome!", he says happily and lifts me up. I hold on to his neck. He runs through the hallways and we get to a few people. "Could you please tell Russia that Reich has a problem with his arm because Britain injected something into him?", I ask them. The three nod and one runs off.

"Thanks!", Soviet says before we go back into the room and lie down there, before I snuggle up to him and shower him with kisses, but still have to take a break every now and then. Shortly thereafter, a doctor comes back to us and takes us to do some tests on me, but they find nothing useful. I'm getting more and more scared, but luckily I have Soviet with me to calm me down.

Somehow I'm getting weaker and weaker over the course of the examinations and slowly my body starts to hurt. As I go to bed, Soviet walks around in circles, worried. I'm sure he's bothered by my problem. I, on the other hand, don't even fully realize that I have something unknown in my body and don't even know how to remove it or how dangerous it is.

Soviet hugs me when I'm back with him. As I can tell he's scared to death for me. Am I too tired to feel the same? Is it good that I'm scared but not as scared or panicked as I should be? Have I almost died too many times for this? I am also still confused as to what is real and what is not. Did my daughter really die? Has my brother really been kidnapped?

I'm confused by everything. I want to have a normal life again with Soviet and our families. Does everything always have to be so difficult? I want to go home and finally have a quieter life. I kiss Soviet's cheek and lie down with him before laying on top of him and snuggling lovingly because I want to sleep on top of him. He's so soft and cuddly, like a giant teddy bear.

I enjoy being cuddled up against his wonderful body. I also give a big yawn, which Soviet chuckles affectionately. I am delighted by his loving giggle and I kiss his lips lovingly. He loosely wraps his arms around me and I snuggle into his chest before finding the perfect position, lying down and slowly falling asleep. However, I do not have peaceful sleep because every little noise keeps me from sleeping and falling asleep.


- 868 words

- Original: 11/16/2022

- Translation: 7/17/2023

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