Chapter 26

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Third Reich's view:

I go down the stairs and walk closer to the living room where the voices are coming from. I don't want to just walk into the room, so I'm watching them. It's really Soviet and Russia. Soviet looks worried and a bit desperate, while Russia looks more calm. "Please Russia, I beg you.", comes from Soviet.

His son says: "He should decide for himself whether he wants to be with me or stay with you. You can't just ask me to grab him and take him with me. Third Reich should decide for himself who he wants to stay with.

It's a huge shift for him just to remember a time when there was a hero, while here they presume him dead, consider him a mass murderer and pretty much everybody in the world wants him dead." What? That for keeping dead sounds logical, but mass murderers?

I'm going to show whoever came up with this crap... take it back because I would never do anything like that! Besides, why does everyone in the world want me dead? What have I done wrong? I didn't even listen to the orders I was given, so I saved thousands of people's lives. Or have I changed so much in the time I can't remember?

But how could I change so much? Soviet Union contradicts his son: "Nevertheless, you should take him with you. With me, Reich is not safe from BID... Wrongly said again! FRG, the others and me!" In the end he becomes more angry because of his slip of the tongue. "Why you?", Russia asks his father in confusion.

"No matter what I do, it's either the part inside me because I'm repressing that comes out or I'm making some sort of mistake... I even jumped out the window thinking FRG would believe me by doing that and I still have no idea whatever you can call such an action, it was just crazy!

I have no idea what's wrong with me!", he tells Russia. "I think you're just overwhelmed by the whole situation." "I was over Reich this morning because he wasn't wearing a top.", says Soviet. "Sounds to me like you're trying to relieve stress.

For me, the best antidote to stress is when Germany kisses me from top to bottom. Believe me, exchanging caresses is the most relaxing way I know. I think something in you just wanted it.", says Russia. Soviet Union asks for advice: "But what if Reich doesn't even want it and I scare him?

How am I supposed to get rid of my stress then?", Russia gives him tips: "Try to do some calming activities like going to movies, going out to eat somewhere or at least go to Reich and ask him to give him a hug-" "I'm already allowed to him hug if I ask him.", he interrupts his son.

"That's a good start.", says his son. I walk slowly and uncertainly towards the two men who are taller than me. The two are still sitting on the sofa. When Soviet sees me, he immediately calls out: "The prince is awake for once." "I haven't been a prince in I think 100 years.", I protest as I sit down next to him.

"But that's how you seem to me.", he says. Before I can say anything, Soviet continues more sternly: "You will be taken to a safe place with Russia." "Dad, it's his decision and not yours!", Russia hisses at his father. "With you, Reich can go wherever he wants and is protected."

He wants to put me in his son's hands because he's afraid of making mistakes and tries to make me an offer to go to Russia and says it like it's not an offer anymore, but an order. It's only been a few days, but I still trust him more than anyone from this time.

"There's one thing your son can't give me... trust.", I contradict his offer. Soviet is quick to say: "Unfortunately, you can't trust me either. I'm the least likely person to trust." Then he gets up and makes his escape. Before I and Russia can get a word out, he's on his way up. From time to time his behavior is very questionable.

Russia shakes his head and says: "So much to discuss." He then turns back to me: "It's your decision Third Reich, I don't want to force you into anything." I think about it, but I think I'll have my answer quickly. I then inform him: "I'm a little unsure, but I think I've found my answer.

The first to hear is Soviet." He nods and I get up from and head towards the stairs. I hear a sob from upstairs, which I follow. I see Soviet in his bedroom, lying on the floor. I go to him, when he sees me he turns away from me.

I hug him to calm him down. Then he turns to me and puts his arms around me while he cries. It takes a while for him to calm down a little more. "Soviet why are you so sad?", I ask him worried.

He replies, sniffling: "I-I don't want you a-away from me, but I still want y-you to go with Russia because you'll be better off with h-him. Why is it so f-fucking hard!? I want you with me, but I-I want you even more to be g-good." "Soviet you don't have to be sad, I'll stay with you.

I trust you more than Russia and you seem like a really nice guy because I'd like to get to know better.", I tell him. Soviet Union then hugs me even tighter. He doesn't say another word. I think that he's happy with my decision, but I can't see his face to be really sure.


- 955 words

- Original: 10/3/2021

- Translation: 5/19/2023

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