Chapter 35

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Soviet Union's view:

It's so incredibly cute how Reich wants to hide his flushed face from me. He's so incredibly cute. I continue to gently stroke his red and hot cheek. His cheek is so hot that I'm a bit concerned that he might be ill after all. I hug him a little more and lightly touch his head with my head.

He slowly turns his face to me, allowing me to look into his big sky blue eyes, multiplying his level of cuteness a thousandfold. How can I keep myself in check at a sight like this? Normally I would kiss him on the spot. I have to listen to what Reich said. I'm allowed to hug him, but kissing and other things are forbidden to me.

Reich and I can't stop looking into each other's eyes. Slowly and carefully, Reich's lips come closer and closer to me on their own. He specifically forbade me to kiss him. I have to stick to it. I pull my head away again and snuggle up to him.

I would love to kiss him so badly, but he told me not to and I'll stick to it, even if I don't really want to. If I lost him as a lover, I don't want to ruin our friendship as well.

I let go of him and turn to the edge of the bed before getting up or at least trying to. Reich's arms are wrapped around my stomach and on my right side he has pressed his head against me. "Please don't go.", he begs me. I look at him and ask a bit confused: "Why?"

"P-Please just stay with me.", is his response as he presses his head against my side. He's so incredibly cute! I turn to him. Reich lets go of me but spreads his arms like he wants a hug. I smile at him before slipping my arms under his and hugging him so that we are eye level.

I snuggle my face against his before laying down with him again. I love him so incredibly much! Partly he likes it, but partly he doesn't, I have to do something about it. I want him to enjoy the time with me. Reich has a beautiful smile on his face.

I feel like I'm melting away from that beautiful smile of his. He snuggles up to me. We cuddle and hug for a while before he allows me to cook us food. I'll make us mashed potatoes. The potatoes take a long time to cook, so I sit on the sofa with Reich and watch children's series with him.

He's a huge animation fan. From cartoon to 3D animation, he can't stop watching these series. We even find the series to the movie from yesterday. Actually, I could buy Reich a graphics tablet and take care of the computer, then I could make part of his old dream come true, but I'm not sure if I really want to do something like that for him.

What if he just sits in front of the computer all day. I'll think about it again later. I get the food ready, after which we eat and then I go down to the basement with him again. He draws and keeps looking at me and showing me some drawings. I barely focus on what I should be doing, all my eyes are on Reich.

I get a quick call from EU, who isn't exactly happy that I didn't get Reich either. To this day I ask myself why the EU even exists, he can't do anything other than get on someone's nerves and siphon off the money from Reich's state. He's just like BRD.

Why are most of us so similar to countryhumans anyway? I think only Reich and Germany are really different. Normally, countryhumans are not born like humans. No one even knew if it was possible for two countryhumans to have children the normal way.

We're required to give some of our blood and after about a year, a countryhuman gets their hands on a baby. It was different with Reich and his little brother Germany. Their father overreached himself once at a party and I don't remember the second time, but these two were the results of it.

Reich and Germany inherited their father's colors, but Germany also has a very rare color in its flag, at least I don't know of any other countryhuman with silver in their flag.

Only 2% of normal countryhumans question their work but for normal born countryhumans it's more like 25% because I only know 5 and one I could have counted is probably long dead and I don't know what either her opinion would be.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a slight pressure on my lap and I see Reich's face there on my legs. He looks like he's half asleep. Reich yawns and opens his mouth wide so that I can see his throat. I just mustn't get the wrong idea now.

After closing his mouth again, he snuggles up to me and puts his hands on my lap. Oh god is he cute! I should put him to bed before he falls out of his chair. He's still sitting in his chair with his ass on while he has his head and arms on me.

I gently take him by the back and waist so that he lies in my arms. Immediately he snuggles up to me with his head. I can see he can't even keep his eyes open, he's so tired. I carefully carry him out of my small laboratory and up to my room, where I put him to bed.

I strip off most of his clothes before putting the blanket over him. I want to stay with him until he sleeps, which is why I relieve myself of two pieces of clothing and lie down with him. He cuddles up to me and after a short while he falls asleep.


- 988 words

- Original: 10/13/2021

- Translation: 5/24/2023

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