Chapter 69

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Soviet Union's view:

"Soviet wake up." Deutschland shakes me awake. "What is it?", I ask him confused. My abdomen hurts a bit, but it's bearable. He replies: "We only have half an hour left." "Half an hour for what?", I ask confused. "Until the three of us get killed.", I get as an answer.

I thought that was a bad dream! I... I can't die yet. I open my eyes and look up at him. "Have you found a way out?", I ask. Deutschland says with a hanging head: "Unfortunately not. I searched for three hours." Three hours? Really long.

I turn my head to Reich who has his hands on my chest and his face on my neck while my arms are still around his body. We're both naked and I see the hickeys I gave him. I think my hickeys suit him well.

His breathing tells me he's relaxed but not asleep. I lightly kiss his forehead and snuggle my face against his to wake him up. "What's the matter, Soviet?", my Reich asks me. I answer him: "We don't have long until we have to say goodbye to each other." "Soviet, I'm tired, can't you fly home in a few hours?", he asks.

I think he had some memories again. "Reich, my angel, we are in the twenty first century and we will soon have to say goodbye forever.", I point out to him. Reich crawls a little further up me and wraps his arms and legs around me before making it clear: "I can't and won't say goodbye forever.

You are mine, I love you and want to be with you forever." "Reich I would love to, but we can't. I love you too and how I love you, but we will be killed.", I explain, "I want to be able to change something, but I'm too weak for it." "You're not too weak Soviet.

You do everything for me and do your best. Even if you can't achieve something on one try, I will help you to achieve what was previously unattainable on your second try. So if you have an idea, stick with that idea and I'll help you.", Reich says.

"Reich please open your eyes.", I beg him. He takes his hands off my chest and wipes the sleep from his little eyes before looking at me. I put a hand on his cheek, but still I can't smile, like something has stolen my joy.

Reich comes closer to my face and gently kisses my cheek. "It's 2017 and we have been caught and we're going to be killed soon?", he asks to catch up. I nod in response. He asked: "We were having fun a few hours ago while my brother was looking for a way out because he couldn't find it?"

"Exactly!", I answer him. My Reich looks down and closes its eyes more. Deutschland tells Reich: "I got something for you too, brother. I don't know who it is from, but someone gave me this letter for you." Deutschland gives his brother an old letter. I also look at it curiously while Reich reads it. I know I shouldn't do this, but I'm a little too curious.

Reich, mein alter Freund,

es tut mir leid, dass ich mich nicht von dir verabschiedet habe, da ich ursprünglich dachte, dass ich wieder zurückkommen würde, jedoch wie du bemerkt hast, hat man mich entdeckt. Ich wurde um die halbe Welt gejagt. Ich wurde vor einer Woche gefangen und sitze in einer Zelle. Man hat mich schlimm zugerichtet, aber glücklicherweise kann ich noch klar denken und kann noch schreiben. Falls ich es nicht überleben sollte, wünsche ich dir alles Gute und vergesse bitte nicht unsere Freundschaft. Ich wünsche mir, dass du in Zukunft immer noch der dickköpfige, beherzte, unbotmäßige und ausbündige Countryhuman bleibst, der mir die besten Jahre meines Lebens beschert hat. Bitte sorge dafür, dass unser Traum für ein Deutschland, dass wieder alles was es und seine Menschen ausmacht zurückkommt. Außerdem, wenn du und Sowjet Union euch wieder zusammenfinden solltet, habe ich eine positive Entdeckung für dich und ihn. Ich bin einem Countryhuman über dem Weg gelaufen. Ihr Name ist Deutschrussisches Reich. Sie scheint nach ihren Erzählungen her, die Tochter von euch zu sein. Sie ist auf der Suche nach euch beiden. Sie hält sich hauptsächlich in Mitteleuropa und Osteuropa auf, auch hinter ihr sind sie her. Ich hoffe ihr werdet sie finden, sie ist noch ziemlich jung. Um die zehn Jahre ist sie. Sie ist ein äußerst vorwitziges, altkluges, höfliches, lebhaftes Kind. Ich bin ein paar Wochen mit ihr zusammen gereist und ich bin unglaublich fasziniert und erstaunt von ihr. Ich wollte sie am liebsten mit zu dir nehmen, doch sie hat sich irgendwann von mir verabschiedet und ist ihren eigenen Weg gegangen, was sehr mutig von ihr war und ich bin auch sehr froh darüber, dass sie alleine weitergezogen ist, da man mich gefangen hat und sie bestimmt immer noch frei herumfliegt. Ich weiß, dass ich auf sie aufpassen sollte, da sie nur um die zehn Jahre alt ist, aber wenn sie sowieso nicht auf mich hört, konnte ich leider nichts machen. Ich hoffe eines Tages werdet ihr euch finden und eure große und glückliche Familie haben, nach der ihr euch so gesehnt habt. Reich kümmere dich gut um deine Familie, sie sind alle so großherzig, dass ich schon öfter dachte ich gehöre zu deiner Familie dazu. Ich wünsche dir und deiner Familie alles Gute. Ich hoffe ich kann dir vielleicht noch auf Wiedersehen sagen. Ich bin stolz darauf mit dir befreundet zu sein.

Dein alter Landesanführer und älter Freund Adolf

(Reich my old friend,

I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye to you as I originally thought I'd be back, but as you've noticed, I've been spotted. I've been chased halfway across the world. I was caught a week ago and I'm in a cell. I was badly beaten up, but fortunately I can still think clearly and write. If I don't survive it, I wish you all the best and please don't forget our friendship. I wish that in the future you will still be the stubborn, plucky, insubordinate and outspoken countryhuman that gave me the best years of my life. Please make sure that our dream for a Germany, that everything that makes up Germany and its people, comes back. Also, if you and Soviet Union do get back together, I have a positive discovery for you and him. I ran into a countryhuman. Her name is German-Russian Reich. From what you've told me she seems to be your daughter. She's looking for you two. She is mainly in Central and Eastern Europe, they are also after her. I hope you will find her, she is still quite young. She is around ten years old. She is an extremely cheeky, precocious, polite, lively child. I have traveled with her for a few weeks and I am incredibly fascinated and amazed by her. I wanted to take her with me, but at some point she said goodbye to me and went her own way, which was very brave of her and I'm also very happy that she moved on alone because I was caught and she's probably still flying around free. I know I should take care of her since she's only around ten years old, but if she doesn't listen to me anyway, there was unfortunately nothing I could do. I hope one day you will find each other and have the big and happy family you have longed for. Reich take good care of your family, they are all so generous that I often thought I belonged to your family. I wish you and your family all the best. I hope I can say goodbye to you. I'm proud to be friends with you.

Your old country leader and old friend Adolf)

I can not believe it! Reichs country leader found me and Reich's daughter and run into her? I thought she was dead... I didn't think so with conviction, but I believed it very strongly, because why let her live unless... Maybe I know why she was or is still alive.

Who says she's still alive today? This letter was written seventy years ago. Reich snuggles into my chest and whispers: "She survived." I kiss his forehead tenderly and stroke his cheek with my hand. When I see his face he looks happy. "And I even met her without knowing it was her.", he whispers.

He saw our daughter? Where? When? I hope she's okay. Unfortunately I won't be able to see her anymore either. I can't say which of the three of us it hits the hardest. Me and Reich have a daughter that we have to look for, but Deutschland doesn't even have his fiancé here and can't even say goodbye to him.


- 1459 words

- Original: 12/7/2021

- Translation: 6/23/2023

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