Chapter 78 🔴Violence / Blood🔴

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Third Reich's view:

Suddenly I feel my right arm being held. I look and see Britain holding a syringe containing a clear liquid. Unfortunately, I think I already know what's inside. It's definitely that something they invented that attacks the heart, stomach and intestines. I don't know what it is or what it's called, but people like to use it as a threat.

You die within a few hours of it because it robs the nutrients from those organs. Only traitors are given something like this so that before they die, they teach, through the pain, to obey and not fight back if they are ever reborn. I'm pulling on the ropes that hold me tied up and trying to somehow move more, but FRG tied me up so tight I can't really move.

Panic spreads through me as Britain, with a malicious smile, grabs my arm and tries to position the needle. I look at FRG, who is staring at us uninterested. However, looking deep into her eyes, I see her fear. I feel how the sharp needle runs along my skin. This is the end!

With just a little pressure, the needle gets under the skin. Now I can't do anything anymore, the needle is in me and every moment he pushes the poison into me. At least I'll be reunited with Soviet Union after the agonizing few hours, that's the only good thing about the situation. I can feel the liquid being pushed into my blood.

This cold liquid feels so unsettling. I'm scared of the torments I'll endure. If only I had never loved! If I couldn't love like every other normal Countryhuman I wouldn't be here now, Soviet wouldn't have been killed and I never would have fallen in love with him!

He would continue to be able to look down on everyone and everything with pride and I would be written off as the killer that I was. Then we'd be normal, we'd at least be friends and drink the blood of children together to stay young forever-...

What the... How do I come up with this garbage?! I'm not like that and I would never be like that or even want to be like that! Where does this come from in my head? It's not my fault and even if I was, I was just trying to make a difference! I'm sure I improved some things because I broke through the walls and let my heart go its way trying to build bridges.

I have to stay positive! Soviet would usually try to cheer me up and tell me everything is fine to make me feel better. Part of my family is still here and I have to stay strong for them. Britain takes the needle out of me and tapes something clear to the insertion site.

I'm afraid! I'm scared of what's in my body now. Why am I so helpless? I feel so weak. I see Britain going away from me and going to FRG. What will happen to me?

Soviet Union's view:

We're in the car, driving to where we're supposed to go. Russia looks at Deutschland with an uncertain look. I can understand him well because Deutschland has a risky plan that we didn't really agree to, but what else should we do? She has my Reich! I hope he's fine.

"I still don't find the plan very reassuring.", Russia said more quietly than usual, with his head on Deutschland's shoulder. Deutschland turns his head from the window to him before kissing his cheek and saying: "You know we have to save my brother fast and no one else has a better plan.

Let's give her what she wants. I know you're going to get me out of there." Deutschland snuggles against Russia's cheek and puts his hand on Russia's hand. After a kiss on the cheek, Deutschland whispers: "I know everything will be fine." He moves a little from Russia's Head away and positions his face in front of his fiancé's face.

Both look into each other's eyes and Deutschland puts a hand on Russia's right cheek and strokes it. Russia smiles slightly and puts his lips on Reich's brother's for a few seconds. I miss my Reich so much! Our daughter was flown to Moscow because that's the safest place for her while we head straight into danger.

I fold my arms and stare out the window of the car. I just want to be able to see and hug my Reich healthy and well again, that's all I ask. Then I hear two clicks across from me and when I look, the two fiancés are already sitting next to me, fastening their seatbelts again.

Deutschland hugs me from the left and Russia puts an arm around me from the right. "We'll get him out there!", Deutschland assures me with a hopeful smile. The way he smiles reminds me a lot of his brother. I give him a slight smile as well.

Third Reich's view:

It's still spinning and I have a hearing problem, which doesn't surprise me for someone like Britain. He's such a screamer anyway. I lean back a little and rest my head lightly on my shoulder. I see someone in front of me and feel a hand my size stroking my head, the hand is relatively cool.

I close both eyes to focus on the touch because everything is spinning and I want to focus on something so I can better perceive my surroundings again. The dizziness makes me feel like I'm being dragged into darkness, so I open my eyes again.

I see that the one in front of me is FRG. She looks a little to the side. She looks at me while I just smile at her. "He went way too far.", I can hear from her, "I-I know I made a mistake.

You raised me and the only really good time I've had in my life so far has been with you and my brother. Britain took my brother to show me how to behave. He had to die right before my eyes and now he wants to do the same to you and I can't even do anything about it!

I have no connection with Deutschland. He was only then the uncle who was never there. Britain wasn't really after you or Soviet, he's after Deutschland all along because he can get revenge on Russia and some other reasons I don't know.

I wanted to make him proud because he trained me after I got separated from you. I just wanted to do something right for him. I went the wrong way and after all that, when you still called me your daughter and put yourself in front of Britain, I realized even more that I don't really want to hurt you, I even want to protect you.

I didn't actually kill Soviet Union... Well... At least I think they brought him back to life. My plan was a little different, but everything worked until Britain showed up. Now you have a newly developed poison that is worse than the old version.

I didn't want that to happen to you." She narrows her eyes and moves closer to me before pressing her head against my chest and sniffling. She then lets out in a tone that sounds like she's crying: "I'm so sorry... Papa!" She snuggles up to me like she did when she was a little girl.


- 1225 words

- Original: 2/21/2022

- Translation: 7/10/2023

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