Chapter 42 🔴Violence / Blood🔴

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Soviet Union's view:

I'm slowly waking up. I think it's already noon. Reich's head is on my chest. He looks very relaxed. I wonder if he loves me after all, because he hasn't told me yet. I suddenly hear a scream. Since when does Austria scream?

What happened? Reich pulls the blanket over his head and snuggles closer to me. I hear another scream, again outside the room. It sounds like Belarus this time. What's going on there?

Reich tenses his body again, straightens up a bit, draws a lot of air into his body and is about to start complaining when I cover his mouth with my hand. I feel the air he exhales press against my hand. It tickles. Then he closes his mouth and looks at me with tired and confused eyes.

"They mustn't know where you are. Have you forgotten?", I remind him. He thinks for a moment before he lies back down on me and pulls the blanket towards him so that it's over us again. I put my arms around him again and relax a little more. I'm tired and want to try to sleep again.

"They don't like my little prank.", says Reich. Alarm bells started ringing for me right away. What prank? "Reich what have you done?", I ask worried and confused. He replies: "I painted their faces." Is he completely crazy now!? "You're you serious right now?", I want to make sure.

He nods in response and smiles slightly. Oh God! What should I do now?! I ask him: "Did you paint me too?" "No, why should I?", he says. It's not funny! They'll think it was me, or they'll think it could be someone else and by that they might suspect Reich.

What was Reich thinking?! We're going to die if we don't think of something and since Reich doesn't look like he's thinking right now since he's so tired, I'll have to come up with something. I could maybe put Reich in the closet and then just go back to sleep. If they suspected me, they would try to come into my room.

Reich would then be safe and I would have the excuse with the heavy closet. I get up and take the tired and confused Reich in my arms to the closet, where I make him comfortable. He looks at me confused as I close the doors. I lie back in my bed.

Unfortunately I can't fall asleep again. After a while I am awakened from my doze with a shake on my shoulder. I look and see a countryhuman with golden skin. Who is this? I see her face. What is FRG doing here? How did she get here? I sit up a little and ask her: "What's going on here?" "You didn't happen to put make-up on your colleagues?", she asks me.

I reply: "Why would I do that? It would be something like suicide, if not worse." She is silent and stares into my eyes. I repeat: "Whatever was going on, it wasn't me." She nods slightly at that. I hear someone yawn. "What was that?", asks FRG.

I lie: "It must have been just my stomach. I went to bed hungry last night because I don't have that much food in my house." She gives me a serious look that suggests she doesn't believe me. If she finds Reich, she'll kill him as soon as she sees him. Reich never learned to defend himself because he has never needed it.

FRG had so much time and motivation to learn so much that he can't. She'll kill Reich on the spot and I could just stand and watch! FRG goes to my closet. If I run to her now and at least try to knock her out, Reich and I will definitely be on the run. Maybe she won't find anything in the closet.

"Is that tiny strange noise, really that important.", I try to distract her. FRG does not answer and does not listen. She opens my closet doors and looks at each item of clothing before slowly looking down.

Why is the closet still in front of the door? How did she get in? I search my room until I see my chair. I walk around her. I want to deny there's anyone in the closet again: "There's nothing but my-" "Shut up! I'll kill you both if I find him!", she makes it clear in a slightly maniacal tone after she interrupted me I keep trying to distract her: "Who do you mean?

I live completely on my own in case you've forgotten and I'm okay with that, too." I hold the chair in my left hand. My nails are digging deeper and deeper into the chair from the tension. I want to lunge at her and beat her unconscious, but I'm not doing that or not yet.

Because I don't know if she'll find him because he has his wings in front of him and it's harder to see him. At least that's how I prepared it for Reich earlier. FRG is also quite old, maybe she could really overlook him. She now looks under my clothes. Please don't find him! I'll do anything, but please don't find Reich!

Please ignore him! Please don't hurt him! She then returns to her normal standing position. Does that mean she didn't find him? I see her reaching for her right pocket. "I might have been wrong.", she says. I'm so relieved, but some of the tension isn't quite gone yet.

Something is wrong, but I don't know what. I say: "I told you I'm alone in the house with you and the five others." "I said I might be wrong.", she repeats. Then FRG makes a hectic movement. She leans forward, grabs something from the closet and pulls him out. Everything happens like in slow motion.

She has black feathers in her hand, which she pulls out of the closet towards her and a whole countryhuman is hanging from his wing by this tuft of feathers. Reich lands back first on the ground. I'm paralyzed. I can't move even when panic shoots through me.

FRG grabs Reich by the neck and presses him so harder to the ground that he can no longer defend himself. With her other hand, which she had on her pocket earlier, she takes a knife out of her pocket. She lifts the knife slightly in the air. I can see the fear and panic in Reich's eyes. This sight is slowly bringing me out of my trace, but unfortunately only slowly.

Reich tries to kick his legs around and hit her in the stomach while trying to get her hand off his neck with his hands. She then rams her knife into his chest, right where his heart is. Reich makes a hurtful sound. FRG puts one foot on his stomach and leans forward.

FRG looks into his face with a maniacal grin as she increasingly focuses her weight and strength on the knife. Reich looks up at her hurt, scared and full of panic, while it seems as if he himself can not believe what is happening. I'm finally coming out of this negative panic after those few seconds.

The adrenaline replaces my negative panic. I grab the chair with both hands, run towards her and smack her away from Reich with a powerful punch. I throw the chair away from me and run to Reich's side. He holds his hands to the knife that is sunk deep in his chest and looks at me desperately. I carefully slide my arms under his tense body before gently yet quickly lifting him up.

I run to the door and kick the closet aside with one kick before swinging the door open and heading down the stairs. The countryhumans in the living room, with their well-drawn motifs on their faces, watch me with wide eyes. I open the front door and look at Reich. He's about to cry in pain.

"Please come out and help him!", I shout, hoping that the people announced by America will come and help him. I keep running farther and farther from my house. People come to us from the side of the street. I see that they are people from America and Russia. I feel a hand that rests lightly on my chest and look down at Reich.

He's in a lot of pain and tries to hold on to me to feel safer. The people are around us. A few walk into my house, the others call for medical backup. They show me a path that I run along. I arrive completely out of breath when we reach a tent.

I bring Reich inside and carefully place him on the table in the center of the tent. "We have to ask you to stay out USSR.", a doctor asks me. I then take Reich's hand from my chest and kiss it before I leave with a heavy heart. Outside the tent they give me a chair to sit and wait.


- 1492 words

- Original: 10/20/2021

- Translation: 5/27/2023

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