Chapter 71 🔴Violence / Blood🔴

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Third Reich's view:

The jingling of the chains is getting louder and I can also hear a sort of growl. Is that a prisoner like us? I look at the open door. Shortly thereafter, someone is pushed in here. She's lying on the ground, has chains all over her and even a muzzle. It is clearly visible that she is afraid.

I slowly let go of my Soviet and get closer to that one. "Third Reich stay away from her!", Britain commands me. I make it clear to him: "And why should I listen to you?" I come to her I think she also thinks I'm one of the other countryhumans that are here. I lean towards her and slowly sat down. She's a little confused.

I see an injury on her arm. The injury looks not good and must be very painful. I'm sorry for her. I slowly stretch out my hand to her. I want to show her that I am not a threat to her. She looks at my hand with those sky blue eyes that remind me of my eyes.

She has red skin, but I can't quite see her flag through the muzzle. She looks me in the eyes. I don't know why, but somehow she looks familiar. She then quickly crawls over to me and claws at my chest while shrinking. I gently stroke her trembling body.

Her body is hot. Maybe she is sick. Soviet comes to us and has the key from Deutschland. He frees her from the chains. I hear Britain threatening, but I'm more focused on the girl. Freed from her chains, she looks at her wrists in disbelief before looking at Soviet. I carefully remove her muzzle.

She snuggles into me even more. Her reactions seem more like a child to me than a grown woman. She doesn't even want to show us her face. Only now do I see that she has red wings with white tips. I'm the only countryhuman with wings that has white flight feathers. Soviet looks at the unknown countryhuman as if he knows her.

I stretch my wings out from under my shirt and wrap my wings around her for warmth. Enthusiastic, she snuggles up to my feathers. She really comes across as more like a child, in my opinion. I suddenly hear a loud shot. I freeze and frantically shake my head around.

I see that my little brother is slowly getting on his knees. I see blood splatters around him. Since I have the unknown countryhuman with me, Soviet gets up for me and goes to my brother, who is now lying on the ground and grimacing in pain. "Deutschland how do you feel?", Soviet asks him.

He says: "As good as you can feel when you are shot in the stomach." Soviet carefully removes his top and looks at the injury. I suddenly feel something cold on my head that makes me freeze with fear. I get chills down my back. Soviet looks at me and gets a very scared look on his face.

I have a hunch that Britain is next to me with a gun to my head. I pull my head away from the gun barrel and use my weight to push his arm down. I grab the gun and shove it away from us. I'm releasing Britain. He yells at me, but I still don't listen to him.

I stroke the girl's body soothingly again to make her relax a little more. She looks at me and I recognize her flag. It's a mixture of my flag and Soviet flag. Is that German-Russian Reich? She looks down uncertainly. I hug her back to my chest with my wings.

"Du weißt wer ich bin? (You know who I am?)", she asks me. I answer her: "Ich glaube schon, dass ich anhand der Erzählungen über dich und ich anhand deiner Flagge erkennen kann, dass du meine Tochter bist. (I think I can tell from the stories about you and from your flag that you are my daughter.)" She looks up at me and I smile. She also smiles before snuggling into me. "Reich I need a little help from you.", comes from Soviet.

I hug my daughter before letting go and standing up with her. I then wrap my wings around her and take her hand before we go to my injured brother. "Use your hands to take the bullet out of his wound.", he says.

I stick my hand in a deep wound? I don't think I can. I'm probably hurting my brother more than helping him. "Reich, my hands are too big and I have to keep the wound open. Please, you make this work a lot easier for me.", comes from Soviet. I'm still staring at the open wound and an uncomfortable feeling rises in me.

I'm helping my brother with it and showing Soviet that I no longer have such a big problem with blood and life threatening injuries. I save my brother with it and afterwards we flee. Because I can't take care of every new wound. I go to the injury with my shaking hand.

Another hand about the same size as mine is at the injury. "Papa las mich das machen. (Papa let me do it.)", says GRR. I take my hand away Her hand was calmer and would certainly do better with it. She bends over the injury and gently puts her hand into the injury. My brother makes painful noises, which I can understand.

My focus now is on Britain, who is yelling at the other countryhumans. He has got an anger problem. He waves his pistol around and scares the others. "Ich habe es! (I have it!)", comes from German-Russian Reich. I take a quick look. Her hand is covered in blood and in her hand is the bullet.

"You did wonderfully!", Soviet praises her and smiles before repeating, "You did wonderfully my daughter." She gives him a satisfied smile before putting the bullet away. I'm sure she could use a bottle of water now for her bloody hand. Soviet is still trying to cover the wound so that nothing can get to it.

Then Soviet hugs her. She freezes at first, but before long she hugs him back, unaware that she is bloodying his clothes with her hands. I crawl over to them and hug them. Soviet is so overjoyed that he is in tears, which I can understand very well. Soviet kisses his daughter's cheek and then kisses mine on the lips.


- 1077 words

- Original: 12/9/2021

- Translation: 6/27/2023

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