Chapter 48

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Third Reich's view:

I don't trust America. Guaranteed he will try to kill me. Even though Soviet said he won't hurt me, I don't believe him about America. America is one of the few countryhumans I know of who have personally killed or attempted to kill other people. I've never done anything like this before.

Why? I don't want to harm anyone. Suddenly another question occurs to me: "Why was I so sick yesterday?" "Good question!", comes from Soviet, "What was there?" "We told the doctors to put you in a MED bed, but they already gave you the anesthetic there and there was nothing we could do.

That's why you had to vomit, you were or are still very tired of it and will probably have a little problem with thinking and remembering in a few months.", Russia informs me. "What is a a... anesthetic?", I ask confused. He explains to me: "It's something like a sleeping pill."

"And what's a ME... or whatever this bed is called again?", I ask. "There are three types of MED beds. One heals the body, one helps against mental illness and the third model helps against trauma. All three are capable of healing everything.", Russia tells me.

"Thanks for the explanation! I guess I still have to learn some new words.", I just realize. The four of us talk for a bit before Soviet shows me how easy it is to make breakfast today. He takes the two bowls, takes a pack and from the pack he takes out something with a lot of strange things in it.

Soviet then poures what is in the transparent something into the bowl. Then he puts it back in the packaging and takes the milk, which he pours over it. "Done!", he says. "So fast? And so little for it?", I unintentionally think out loud. Soviet replies: "Yes, it's breakfast cereal and it tastes pretty good with the milk."

I move closer to the bowl. I watch as Soviet goes into the mix with his spoon and puts a spoon in his mouth with it. I hear the part that isn't milk in his mouth, it crackles like dry bread. I also dip my spoon in my bowl.

When I pick up the spoon again, I'm unsure at first and smell it, but I can almost only smell the milk. It doesn't smell bad, so I hesitantly put it in my mouth. After chewing it up a bit, the flavor really comes out. This tastes new, but really good. I want more of this! Immediately I continue to eat enthusiastically.

I can already feel myself liking it so much that I've lost track of the milk and it's running down my chin. I hear light giggles next to me and look at Soviet. He laughs lightly and digs something out of his pocket. He carefully takes my lower jaw and wipes my chin with the handkerchief.

We both can't hold back and kiss briefly before we continue eating. Russia and Deutschland are sitting on the bed with their backs to us and I can clearly hear Russia saying my brother very unusual compliments.

Soviet Union warns his son: "Son don't use so many pick-up lines, otherwise I'll end up sitting here alone with Reich, America and Republic of America, while you're-" "Dad it's Deutschland's and my decision what we do. I think we can sort it out on your own.", comes from Russia. "I'm sticking with it, don't push it too far!", Soviet scolds him. I don't understand what is going on.

What are pick up lines? And what does Soviet mean? I'm confused. I watch them a little more. When everything seems normal again, I continue to eat. After the meal, Deutschland and Russia take the dishes with them while Soviet lays his head on my lap and I massage his face which he enjoys very much.

He makes little noises from time to time when I find a spot that is particularly good for him. He seems really relaxed. Suddenly the door slams open and a nurse or doctor comes in. "Shouldn't you stay in bed and move as little as possible?", she asks.

I don't like the situation, but I ignore it and continue massaging Soviet, who also noticed it. The woman comes closer to us and looks at the devices that were still beeping yesterday. She roughly grabs my right arm. I immediately pull my arm back and hold on to Soviet with both hands.

Soviet demands of her: "Don't be so harsh on Reich. He's fine and you don't have to worry about him. He just needs a few quiet days in the hospital before we go home." "Can I at least change his bandage?", she asks him. Soviet looks up at me. I'm not sure and I try to let him know with my facial expression.

"Only if you are particularly careful and gently to him.", Soviet demands of the woman. The woman nods and gets the bandage. I think it would be better if I took my top off. I gently lift Soviet off my lap and he gets up.

After he stands, I put the blanket over my legs and stomach before removing the top and Soviet grabs it. I then stretch my arms up so she can take care of the bandage better. I look at Soviet, who is blushing and trying not to stare at my chest.

I've never seen him look so hectic. He also has a smile on his face, which he's clearly trying to suppress. Am I really that good looking? I'm not exactly muscular, but he seems to like what he sees. He bites his lower lip. Again and again he moves his lips.

I'm not very good at lip reading, but I think I can understand it. Soviet says to himself: "Oh my god, he looks hot!" I don't know if I read it wrong, but I think it's positive. The woman carefully removes the bandage, allowing me to see the injury. Considering it was only a day ago, it's already looking really good healing.

"I-I'll be right back!", comes from Soviet in a tone as if something were uncomfortable for him. What should he be uncomfortable with? The staring wasn't so bad for me after all. "I'm going to check on my father.", Russia announces before getting up and walking out of the room. I'm done with that, but now I'm missing my top because Soviet still has it with him.

Fortunately, Russia comes a little later and gives it to me. "Where's Soviet?", I ask him. He replies: "He needs to-... I mean, he just needs to go to the bathroom." Then he sits next to my brother and laughs and whispers something to him that I can understand quite well because he is louder when he laughs: "First he warns us and then it happens to him himself." I don't understand what is going on. Soviet comes back to this after a few minutes.


- 1156 words

- Original: 10/31/2021

- Translation: 6/2/2023

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