Chapter 75

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Third Reich's view:

I slowly wake up on the floor. Luckily I've been lying here for so long that this part where I'm lying isn't too cold anymore. Why should I get up too? I could lie here my whole life and it wouldn't matter. Maybe then I really will stay here forever. They'll probably think I'm a monster now, but I couldn't control myself after... after FRG took my Soviet from me.

Why did she do that?! I didn't even fight back. Still, she killed him. At least now I know that FRG really isn't my daughter, she's a monster that tried to kill me and killed Soviet. Why am I just now realizing she's a monster? Anyway, she's not part of my family.

She can go back to hell where she came from, I never want to see her again. I hate her! How she has become is in her nature and not up to me. I raised her completely differently. GRR is my only daughter and I'm guaranteed never to see her again because everyone thinks I'm a monster.

What if I really am a monster? No, I did nothing wrong, she killed him and I attacked her through my fear, hatred and anger. Have I maybe made a mistake? I see light pouring into the room and a shadow. "Just leave me the fuck alone!", I scold.

"That can-", I know that's FRG, I recognize that voice immediately. I jump up and lunge at her, but she closes the door and I almost bang on it. If I see her again, I'll make sure she ends up in hell again! Because this is where a killer like her belongs! I go back to my place and lie down.

Then the door is partly opened again. "Reich, I want to-" I interrupt FRG: "No matter what you want from me, you can forget it! All I want is to send you to hell!" She says: "Okay, I'm going back to my old plan." She takes chains and opens the door wider as she approaches me.

I jump at her again but she dodges and when I land on the ground she jumps on top of me before immobilizing me with her weight as I try to avoid her getting off the ground. She encircles my wrists in her chains before getting off my back and dragging me with the chains.

Outside the room, she attaches me to a support beam in the room. "I'm going to keep you here as a hostage now so I can get Britain here so he can give me my orders.", she says. "I didn't know you couldn't even think for yourself without Britain.", I provoke.

She disagrees: "I can think without him but I'm not exactly sure what to do with you myself and Britain always has a plan." "You can just kill me, then you would make me and everyone else on this planet happy.", I suggest.

"No, then I don't have full power over your father's land.", she contradicts, "And I don't think you'll give me the land voluntarily. Unfortunately, we're trapped in this hut, so I can't force you." "Why do you absolutely need me for this company occupied land? You have power and to the people the land are already on your side.

I can't even go anywhere without a disguise. What more can I do than hide? I could never talk to people again. Then why do you need a contract now or the death of my family?", I ask annoyed.

She replies: "Because we have to keep an eye on you and killing you means your brother gets the land and therefore it will make our problems worse. And why did you say the death of your family? Not all of your family die." "Yes! My brother and my daughter GRR.", I make it clear to her.

She's still waiting. Does she expect me to count her as part of the family? I raised her, but that doesn't mean she's family to me after what she's done. "Didn't you forget someone?", comes from her.

I make it clear: "No, my father is dead, one of my brothers is dead, my adopted son GDR is dead and the man I developed feelings for is dead. My brother and my daughter are still alive." "Are you trying to make me feel sorry?", FRG asks me. "No, you've certainly had your pity drained from Britain.", I answer her.

I lean more against the wood and stare at the ceiling. "By the way, how did you keep coming to us?", I ask, because we've been constantly reassured that my family and I are safe, but we've still gotten into trouble time and time again. "Your brother alone wouldn't do us any good, and neither would your daughter alone, so we never really tried very hard.

Besides, Russia has no idea how many of his people actually work for us. And the potion that USSR created is an even better help to us, luckily he wrote down the recipe.", comes from her. I feel my sadness washing over me and I feel like I'm about to cry. "Soviet ...", I whisper, "My Soviet..."

FRG comes closer to me and says: "He's worthless, what do you find in him at all?" It is enough! I kick her in the shin so that she falls and grab her with my foot, making her look me in the eyes from below. "He's the one I love the most in the whole world!

Love is a feeling you can't choose, it just happens and this man has stolen my heart for the second time! A heart doesn't care what's on the outside, it has its own world that no one will ever fully understand, but you don't understand that because you've been trained to listen to commands and not follow your heart like I wanted to teach you!", I yell at her before pushing her away from me.

I really start to cry. In that short time I rediscovered my love for Soviet and then he gets killed. I have an emptiness inside me like I've never felt before. What should she know about love! She is a countryhuman who has everything pre-programmed to obey orders and not to understand or even feel such complicated feelings as love.


- 1045 words

- Original: 1/19/2022

- Translation: 7/5/2023

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