"Rome, let me talk to you." Julian says and Rome gets up and walks away with Julian. I sit down where Roman got up and pull Zara onto my lap. Kai looks at me and I just nod which he understood and smiled. Kai had the biggest soft spot for Roman. Roman happy made him happy.

"Whats up Kain?" Storm says as she was sat next to her cousin Toby.

"Hey Storm." I say. "Didnt see you there glued to Omar." Omar laughs and flips me off. He had his arm around her as she had her arms folded and rolled her eyes. Toby laughs and points at us. "Take a shot.." He says handing me one and Zara. "Youre too pretty for Kain by the way." He says to her making me roll my eyes.

"Too pretty for the model?" Zara says and Storm chuckles. "So is Storm your actual name?"

"Noooo. Its Adrienne." Toby says laughing. "Shes a fucking nutjob thats why we call her Storm."

"I was? Not anymore." She says as I take the shot.

"Yeah sure." Toby says. "My uncle had to pull her out of a burning building she set on fire."

"Jesus Christ." Kai says as I laugh at them. "Hows your summer?" Storm asks. "You dont go to college everyday is summer for you." She then adds and I nod. "Fair enough."

"Hows Yale going Storm?" Kai asks. If Storm wasnt obsessed with Omar forever, Kai would have gone there. He talks about her often and has this crush on jer. Unfortunately, Storm none the wiser doesn't know anything but Omar.

"Yeah great." She smiles. "Kind of miss my new friends."

"Shut up. When youre there you miss us?" Omar says.

"So what? Youre friends now?" Kai asks smirking. "She only likes to be in a relationship when shes back home in New York." Omar says rolling his eyes making me laugh. "Or when Im winning games." He says looking at Kai catching on.

Julian walks over and greets everyone quickly. "My jobs here is done... I am going to find my girlfriend." He says to us. "What do you mean done?" I ask him.

"Done..." He smirks. Kai had found some girl who he was talking to and I nod. "You wanna get out of here?" I ask Zara who nods at me. She kisses my lips and looks at me. "I am tired as fuck."

"I know you are." I tell her and she pushes my face away giggling. We end up leaving and I head home with Zara.

"Whats this?" I say confused pointing at the guest room door where I could literally hear Roman fucking Samantha. Wasnt my first time funny enough and it was still fucking disgusting.

"Shhhhh." Zara says laughing as she pulls me away into our bedroom. "Why doesnt he fucking move out the house? And move into his own place where he can fuck whoever he likes?"

"Is that why you moved out?" Zara asks and I nod

"Yep." I say. The minute I finished high school I moved the fuck out. I was tired of sneaking girls in and out, my mom's screams and her having a fit everytime. Having sex and a girl in the house was like the end of the world.

"You sleeezebag!" She says laughing making me roll my eyes as I pull her onto the bed as she screams tickling her. It just felt right with Zara. Her smile and her laughter made me feel like I was floating. I just wanted to hold her all day and listen to her stupid sarcastic jokes.

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