81 - Claims & Identities

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FYI: I have to skip many scenes because I have no idea how to proceed from this part onward as I haven't watched the anime of this arc yet so if I got it wrong, please point it out for me because I only know the important parts of the story from One Piece Wiki.

Other than that, Enjoy!!

It can be quite challenging to conceal your strength during battles, as you risk causing massive destruction to the arena. Thankfully, Ace has been providing a lot of cover for you in your fights, and you feel a deep sense of gratitude towards him. After defeating Doflamingo, you plan to repay Ace for his help.

"I must say, you have improved a lot since the last time I saw you." You smirked as you back-kicked one of the contestants fighting for the Spiritual Fruit.

Ace grinned mischievously as he coated his fist with his devil fruit power and landed a punch on the other contestant. "Did you really think my training with Shanks would be in vain?"

"Perhaps it's possible, considering Shanks' personality?" you said after a moment of thought.


You laughed and said, "Just kidding! I can tell he was tough on you, but it helped." you then added, "Well, all jokes aside, the fruit is in that chest strapped to that fish over there. Care to cover that for me as well?"

"Say no more, (First Na-). I-I mean, Lucy" Ace caught himself for the almost slip-up.

Good god, you better wrap this up and get this over with before your cover is blown (again). You started running towards the end of the arena platform and leaped on one of the fighting fishes that leaped out of the water.

Burgess was about to launch an attack on you but was countered by your Guandao and that made Diamante suspicious of your fighting style. However, he didn't have time to think about it as he was distracted by fighting Rebecca.

You then heard that Diamante revealed to Rebecca that he was the one who killed her mother. You turned to Rebecca. You barely know anything about her so you don't care much but since Luffy considers her a friend, you suppose you should help her a bit.

You turned to Bartolomeo. "Can you protect her?"

He nodded enthusiastically and ran towards Rebecca. You blinked and wondered why he was acting like that, especially around Luffy. Oh well, you'll think about that later and will focus on getting the fruit before anyone does.

Once the fighting fish with the chest strapped on its back was in sight, you leaped onto its back and forcefully pried open the lid of the chest. The Spiritual Fruit flew out of it, revealing itself for everyone to see.

You jumped and grabbed the fruit as you landed on top of the pillar on the arena platform.

"I won" you simply said as you swallowed the whole fruit and gagged in disgust from the taste. "Ugh, disgusting!! It's like eating one of Usopp's experimental stink shots"

 "Ugh, disgusting!! It's like eating one of Usopp's experimental stink shots"

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