78 - Liberation

891 48 13

You are uncertain about the duration of your sailing journey, but you are aware that your supplies have significantly diminished. It is now crucial to replenish your stock to avoid starving to death with no one to assist you. Moreover, you and Nyx have comparable large appetites, so you need to ensure you have enough provisions for both of you.

You require restocking supplies and fortunately, there is an island nearby. So, you changed your course towards it. Nyx, your companion, has been getting restless due to the lack of food, making you feel frustrated and irritated. You are on the verge of losing your temper and want to throw her off the ship. However, instead of resorting to such an extreme step, you need to find a way to get her some exercise and stop her from freeloading on you.

"Nyx, we're going out to restock supplies so you are coming with me to stretch your legs," you said pointedly. "No, don't give me that look. Look at all the fat on your body. I don't want a lazy friend on my ship. If you don't want to be thrown overboard, go out with me and stretch your legs"

Nyx looked offended and whined in response as she followed you out of the ship.

Both pirate and wolf walked through the streets buying supplies for the rest of the journey to Dressrosa. After you buy them, you pack them and load them on Nyx because you can't carry all of them at the same time so she shares some of your load.

It has been a couple of minutes since you arrived and had bought the supplies needed.

You patted Nyx and said, "Okay, girl. We have already bought what we need so how about we have a snack before we hit the hay?"

You heard Nyx's bark and smiled, continuing your walk to find a restaurant. After a while, you found one and entered. As soon as the bells on the door chimed, all the customers' eyes turned to you, a little intimidated by your tall stature and Nyx's presence beside you. However, there was also curiosity as they did not recognize you.

As you surveyed the group, you noticed that everyone seemed content with what they were doing and no one appeared eager to make a move. That was until your gaze landed on a woman with bright pink hair holding a large chicken drumstick in her hand. She had been eating it, but stopped suddenly and looked up at you.

You felt familiar when you saw her, but you couldn't quite place her until it dawned on you. She is one of the Supernovas you had heard of years ago. At the time, you didn't pay much attention to them, but you made a mental note to remember their names and faces. The only exceptions were Luffy, Law, and Kidd.

While you were racking your brain to find the name, the pink-haired woman hopped off the table and confidently made her way to you still positioned near the entrance of the pirate-polluted restaurant.

"Wanna join me for lunch, Arsene?"


There were a lot of gasps, chokes, coughs, and spits of drinks but Bonney didn't care about that. Her eyes were all on the ex-warlord who was presumed to have died in the war 2 years ago.

Bonney recognized her face back at Sabaody Archipelago while she was on the run away from the Marines. When she heard that the great Arsene Lupin was here on Sabaody, she managed to take a peek, and damn, she is the embodiment of beauty. Now death is added to the current person in front of her.

Her red eyes resembled the devil, sending chills down her spine.

The woman briefly widened her eyes before composing herself and smirking amusedly.

"Lead the way," she said playfully yet with a deep, dangerous voice.


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