03 - Love Blossoms

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Ever since that night, Ace rarely leaves your side and you noticed that he had gotten clingier which you find weird but didn't think much about it. You also noticed that Sabo was giving him weird looks while Luffy is just being Luffy.

The two of you didn't speak about what happened last night and when you made eye contact with him, you grinned close-eyed and gave him a thumbs up which you didn't notice his flustered face and averting his eyes away from you.

These past few weeks, you spent most of your time looking after the three brats and saving their sorry asses. That didn't mean you were slacking off in your training and helping them to get stronger. They were truly grateful that you were helping them.

Today, you just finished the chores at the shack and told Dadan that you're done with them and are going out to look after the boys again.

"Just go!! You're the only good kid around here. Just don't get influenced by them" Dadan shooed you away, not knowing that you were a teeny bit influenced.


"Alright!!" Ace shouted, placing three sake cups and a bottle of sake on a nearby tree stump.

"You stole that from Dadan!!" Luffy gasped while Ace proudly nodded at his actions with no shame.

Ace cracked open the bottle and filled the cups with sake. "Did you know we can become brothers if we share this bottle of sake?"

"Brothers!! Really?" Luffy grinned and then dropped. "But what about (First Name)? Shouldn't she be here for this as well?"

"Well, um . . .I don't want to see her as a sibling!!" Ace declared with a furious blush on his face.

"Hm!! Me neither!!" Sabo added with a small tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Huh?! Why not?!" Luffy pouted.

The two remained silent as they have no idea how to explain to this dense idiot. Well, neither do they know what they're feeling right now. In the beginning, they see you as someone trustworthy and a friend then midway was a sister figure but now they have no idea what it is as it was complicated. Not like these idiots could fully understand. Even Luffy doesn't know about the concept of love but he'll learn someday.

Ace coughed. "We'll figure it out later but anyway, as we all might join separate crews, this cup of sake will keep us united as brothers!!"

They tapped their cups together and drink in unison, sealing the promise of brotherhood for eternity.

"Shouldn't we include (First Name) in a promise, don't you think?" Sabo inquired, tilting his head and sending his hat askew.

"Yeah!! How about making sure this idiot shares his food with her!!" Ace said snarkily as he pointed at Luffy who huffed.

"What do you mean?! I always share my meat with her!!" Luffy retorted.

"Oh? I don't see you doing that" Ace said, looking him up and down in suspicion.

"Okay, okay. That's enough. We need a serious promise. Like . . .How about we promise to help her recover her lost memories and be with her for as long as we live?"

Ace and Luffy gasped in excitement and nodded in agreement. Helping you to recover your memories is the least they could do.

"Wow, I'm deeply touched by your declaration. In return, I will always be there for you and protect you no matter what it takes"

The boys squeaked from fright and turned to see you sitting on a branch of a tree as you smiled.

They scrambled to talk and hoped that you didn't hear their small confession. "H-How much did you hear?!"

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