01 - Blurred Memories

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Everything went blank and your vision is black. You don't know how much time had passed as you slowly drifted away. Then you heard the sound of birds chirping and the rustling of leaves.

What? Why do I hear birds chirping?? You thought as your hearing got clearer and more precise. You slowly opened your eyes to see a clear blue sky. The brightness was too bright for your eyes so you narrowed them until it was adjusted for a better view.

You slowly got up into a sitting position as you groaned. You're not sure if it's pain or something else but that is not the priority right now. You look around for a better view of your surroundings and it seems that you're in some sort of forest . . .?

You tried to stand up but it looks harder than you thought. Maybe you haven't been awake for some time? You don't know but there's only one way to find out.

After finally being able to stand for the nth time, you took a moment to take a look at yourself.

You wore a uniform with a clear blue stripe on your shoulders. Some parts of it were torn up and you don't seem to be wearing anything for your feet.

Your legs started to wobble because you just woke up and it looked like you hadn't been awake for who knows how long. You slowly took a step forward which became a success. Then another step but you slipped a bit. After taking small steps, you slowly managed to get used to it so you walked around the forest in a random direction until you found some sort of light on the other side.

You walked faster to the light and it got too bright for your eyes so you covered them with the back of your hand. When it's not bright anymore, you slowly opened your eyes to find a sandy beach and ocean.

You don't know why but just watching the vast ocean makes you feel mesmerized by the glistening waves crashing down. It made you feel drawn to it and slowly walked toward it but was snapped out of your daze when you noticed something nearby. Some sort of transport? You don't know.

When it got closer as you took a closer look, it was a ship with a mast of a symbol. It must have meant something if that is so important and the figurehead looks like a dog. Pretty weird if you ask.

While you're still processing what is happening, you didn't notice that the ship had already reached the shore and a very tall old man with a black suit jumps out of the ship.

"You there, little girl"

You jolted and snapped out of your thoughts. You looked around to see if he was talking to someone else but there isn't anyone but you. You raised your hand to point at yourself with a questioning look.

"Of course, I'm talking to you. Do you see anyone besides us here?"

You don't know how to answer that so you could only shrug.

"You. You're wearing a marine uniform. What's your rank?"

You raised a brow in confusion. What rank is he talking about?

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" the old man moved closer and you took a step back, wary of his presence.

"Why are you so wary? Do you at least know who I am?"

You don't know why but just sensing this old man, you felt that you should be wary and not let him get too close to you. Your face shows wariness and unsure and the old man can tell so he stopped.

The old man eyed you up and down. Your uniform is all torn and tattered up meaning you must have been attacked by the beasts of this island or by pirates that you've come across. Did you hit your head causing you to lose some of your memories? It's possible because all the marines should have recognized him at first glance and your body language says it all. He decided to change his approach to not scare you or raise your wariness.

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