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"Hey, guys. I saw you on that King Bull earlier. Do you need a hand or can you handle it just fine??" you asked through the comm.

"No, there's no need. Just look after Luffy for us. We're almost there at the courthouse" Zoro replied.

You hummed and switch the call to Franky. "Oi, Franky. Did you hear the news from Spandam about our arrival yet??"

Franky started laughing. "Sure did. We just got the news about the current situation"

You smirked. "Yea and Luffy are already battling with one of the CP9 members" then your smile dropped when you noticed that Luffy's body was acting strangely. You could see steam coming out of his body and visible pink marks all over his body.

Is this the new technique that he was talking about earlier??

"All my techniques will evolve one step further" Luffy placed his fist on the ground, preparing a stance.

"Second . . .Gear!!"

. . .

You gasped in shock. Luffy managed to land a hit on Blueno with his new technique and defeated him. Oh wait, he mentioned that he fought with Admiral Aokiji before he reached Water 7 before and he developed this new technique because of that.

You smirked. "My, my, Kuzan. Goma grew stronger thanks to you" Of course, give some credit to CP9 for beating their asses earlier at Galley-La" you got up and walked to Luffy. "I'm impressed with your growth. You have gotten stronger, Goma"

He grinned. "Of course, Arsene!!" Luffy got up on the stone ledge and took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs.


Everyone inside the building is all shocked that he's here.

"I've come to get you!!"

You grinned while hiding behind the large stone ledge behind Luffy with your arms crossed. Then you heard a loud noise coming from the front. You took a peek and found that Franky had broken the chains and brought Robin to the balcony.

You turned on the comm. "Oi, Franky. What the hell is going on??"

"No time to explain. Let Robin face Straw hat first. There's something she wants to say"

You paused. What does she want to say?? You turned your gaze to Robin while you didn't notice that Luffy was about to slingshot himself.


Luffy stopped and gaze at Robin.

"I've told you so many times already!! I won't return to you guys!! Go back!! I don't wanna see your faces again!! Why did you come to rescue me?! When did I ask you guys to rescue me?!"

Luffy lets go of his arms as they flow back to their original length. Robin was panting from all the yelling, trying to push them away. You watch in silence with a neutral look, not saying anything.

"I just want to . . .die!!"

Your lips quivered and your eyes widened. What did she say?? Does she want to die??

Franky ran back to Robin. "What're you doing?! They risked their lives to come all the way here!! And you . . ."

"They did it on their own"

Franky tried to talk Robin over but was kicked by Kaku. The rest of the CP9 joined in as well. Good thing you hid as they didn't notice you yet.

While they are talking, you sense something coming this way, and it's from the lower levels!! Did the rest of the crew reached here?? The next thing you know, a wind twister came out from the ground and at the end of it was Nami, Chopper, and a weird-looking guy.

The Lone Spearwoman || One piece[various] x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora