Maybe that's how it is. But she still blamed not only herself, people might have thought before saying something. Or did they deliberately want to hurt her? If so, they did it.

It turned out the same way, like the rain that made her get wet today while getting to the big building of her work. The ends of her hair were slightly curled from the humidity, and her wet spring jacket was hanging on a hanger. She was grateful that the rain wasn't so heavy.

Jisoo did not do anything so serious at work, her job was to print something and deliver mail or parcels to employees and, of course, in more cases, work at the computer, filling out tables. She was kind of an assistant.

To tell the truth, filling out the tables was the most painful for her, because of the severe pain in her shoulders, when her back was tense, this pain was like knives stabbing into her shoulders, and scalding irons rushing after, leaving behind burns.

But today, her main task was just not to fall asleep and not be caught by anyone from her superiors. She literally fell asleep every spare minute.

Another yawn escaped her lips, and her eyes closed for a moment. The sounds of tapping fingers on the keyboard, several voices somewhere near her, from time to time ringing work phones, rustling papers, creaking chairs reached her ears and caused headaches and irritation. But one earphone with music in her right ear calmed her down enough and moved her away from this place.

Pulling herself together, she began to fill out the tables. Her fingers were nimbly and briskly running over the keyboard. Silver rings glittered on each finger. A white blouse with long sleeves, black tight jeans, black spring boots, a silver cross on the neck, slightly peeking out from under the collar of the blouse.

The numbers and letters on the monitor screen flashed before her eyes, while the hands on the clock rotated imperceptibly.

When the lunch break came, she stayed seated while the others left for lunch.

Everyone was friends with each other, Jisoo was also friends with many, but she just stayed away. If someone talks to her, she will answer. But she can stand next to a laughing, hanging out group, but she will silently watch others, watch them laugh and communicate, secretly wishing she was at home.

She was both an introvert and a sociophobe, and she hated both sides of herself.

For those who thought these people were the same, this is not the case.

Introverts are people who communicate little and often stay alone with themselves, but not because they are afraid of society or opinion, but because they communicate only with those with whom they consider it necessary. When communicating with people, they do not have fear or anxiety, they just get tired of communicating. Such people naturally find most interactions tiring, and they often need rest to accumulate the energy they have given to those with whom they have been in social contact.

Social phobia is primarily a social anxiety disorder. People suffering from this disorder are afraid that their actions or expressions of anxiety will be negatively evaluated by others, and as a result tend to avoid situations in which fear or anxiety arises. This is constantly under stress in society, despite the ability not to flaunt it, the body can clearly manifest itself and give away.

Sociophobes suffer from loneliness, introverts, on the contrary, enjoy loneliness, considering it solitude.

Jisoo has been an introvert for the most part, especially in recent years. But sometimes she can't do without worrying in front of people. She immediately thought of a certain owner of charming cat eyes named Jennie.

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