Chapter 37.1 : Coronation Continued

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Gaurds held onto Auria tightly , escorting her into the castle ballroom . It was filled with important looking people all dressed to impress , the ballroom was decorated with the Fiareeian colours , gold and red , and was absolutely stunning . At the far end of the ballroom on an elevated platform was a throne carved out of white and red crystals draped over it was the Fiareeian banner and a scarlette cushion for comfort . The gaurds practically forced her to sit which was uncomfortable with the heavy gown cage underneath all all the layers but she felt to drained to get up . Auria scanned the crowd before her , resting her head on her hand , her body felt less weak as time went by . She carefully felt the tiara that sat on her head and smiled to herself .

" And just like that , I'm officially a princess " she said to herself

Her mind trailed to her gaurdian parents and life before she found out she was a princess . The little self governed village that was always so peaceful , where everyone knew everyone . Waking up to the smell of freshly baked chocolate cake on her birthday . Sitting infront of the fireplace under a thick blanket while her gaurdian dad read to her . Long walks with gaurdian mom near the streams . She couldn't help but think it was less difficult back then . She couldn't help but wish she were back there . Even though she loved her parents dearly , she missed the ones who raised her .
Yet at the same time she was grateful for the experience , grateful for meeting such amazing people . Finding out she's a princess with powers and fighting people out to get her brought a pinch of excitement into her once usual mundane life . Meeting a friend who would follow her to the ends of the earth and fight by her side . Being loved and adored by an entire kingdom . And most importantly meeting her actual parents , who loved her so much that they gave her away to protect her , no wonder her gaurdian parents lived in a small unheard of village . A weighed smile spread across her face , a smile at both the memories with her gaurdian parents and the little adventures she's been on with Alyster .

At the corner of her eye Auria noticed a pair of twins walk in dressed in matching lavender suits and fancy dress shoes. Aurias small smile grew wider at seeing them . She struggled of the throne , feeling strong enough to walk , and strided towards them getting cut off every minute by important strangers who congratulated her and wished her luck . She spared them a few thank yous and a smile and paved her way through the crowd until she reached the twins .

"Hi guys ! " She squealed enthusiasticly

The twins turned to her and felt awkward for a minute not sure how to greet their friend who also happens to be their princess . Auria laughed and pulled Austine into a hug which he gladly returned

"Auria !... Or princess Auria...? Should I bow ? " Austine asked sheepishly

"No , no please don't" Auria answered

Austine let out a huge gust of air " You have no idea how mind blown we were when we got that hand delivered invitation to the princess's coronation ball from the King and Queen , I even framed it because this was seriously once in a lifetime , only to come and see that YOU are the princess ! My mouth was on the floor... Literally "

Auria laughed , she missed his chattiness , always pleasant to have around

"Well you didn't think I was gonna have my coronation and not invite you two , did you ? "

"Of course not , we're the life of the party " Austine beamed proudly

Auria turned to Avery with a genuine smile ,  who avoided her gaze , they had their differences but she was willing to put it behind them and become friends

"Avery ! " She called reaching for a hug

Avery held out a palm and backed away in disgust " Don't think that because you're apparently the 'missing princess' , we aren't even sure if you aren't lying but whatever, that you and I are buddies . I still don't like you and those feelings clearly aren't mutual if you're kissing up to me like this "

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