Chapter 4 : The Truth Untold

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Auria sat in the dining room and watched as her parents cooked and laughed together.
She questioned them, were these people actually her parents?
Her mind drifted back to the three men and what they said to her , was she actually in danger? Was this Tyrens guy after her ? What does he want from her ? She had so many questions that needed answers.

" Auria" called her father

" Huh yes ? " Auria answered coming out of her daze

" What are you thinking about ? " He asked with a smile

Auria looked at him expressionless " Am I a princess ? "

Her father looked at her mother then back to her " of course not , why would you ask that ? " He asked clearly not expecting such a question

" Auria I hope what those men said hasn't gotten to your head " said Auria's mother

" I hope not , you are our daughter Auria " her father added

" Then how did those men know my name ? How did they know all that about me ? Who's King Blaze îî and Queen Ausra? They're my parents aren't they ? " Auria ranted realising the truth the more she spoke , reality began to sink in , these people Infront of her aren't really her parents and she has been living a lie her whole life .

Auria's 'parents' glanced nervously at each other and sat close to Auria in the dining room

" All that can be explained" her father said softly

" okay " Auria said harshly " I'm waiting "

Her parents fidgeted nervously while trying to think of a logical excuse

" They mistook you for someone else , yes , that's what happened " said Auria's father

Auria scoffed then looked him in the eyes " so you're just gonna keep on lying ? "

" Auria " called Auria's mother in a gentle tone and cupped Auria's face in her hands " I knew this day would come , I dreaded it , but you need to know " she said and looked at her husband who sat stiffly in his seat .

They lead Auria upstairs to their room and pushed back their wooden dresser to reveal a medium sized ash coloured box and knelt Infront of it

" Uhm Auria , this is the box that you're real parents gave us when they blessed us with you " said Auria's mother with teary eyes

She opened it and pulled out the most beautiful necklace Auria has ever seen the chain was made of pure Gold and small crystals, the Jewell was a orange and red ombre flame , in the centre of it was a dark blue and purple ombre rain drop .

" This is your mothers necklace" said Auria's mother with a feint smile " She told us that whenever you found out about them , this is the first thing to give you "

" We're your gaurdian parents Auria " Said Auria's father , gaurdian father " You're parents are the King and Queen of Fiaree , King Blaze îî and Queen Ausra "

Auria's eyes widened at the sudden information, she had expected it but at the same time it all felt so overwhelming her gaurdian mother handed the necklace to her , and with shaky hands she took it , the Jewell glowed and felt warm in her touch , her heart thumped as swift images of that kingdom , her kingdom , came back to her at once .

She saw a beautiful woman with long straight red hair and hazel eyes, she wore a slim turquoise gown that hugged her waist perfectly and stretched to the floor with a yellow rope as the belt , she had eye catching diamond ear rings and on her luscious hair was a silver crown designed in three peeks , an emerald on each , and around her neck was the necklace , this beautiful woman was Auria's mother. Her mother smiled at Auria's baby self who layed comfortably in an ash grey cott

"My precious daughter " she said with a smile .

Auria opened her eyes and stared at the necklace in her palms , she unhinged it and put it on , the Jewell glowed and filled her body with warmth , her gaurdian mother gave her the box

" It's yours honey " she said and gave Auria a tight squeeze "we'll leave you alone with it , come down stairs when you're ready "

Auria felt a grip on her shoulder and looked up to see her gaurdian father smiling at her , for the first time she saw the man she looked up to as her role model crying

"We love you Auria, whether you're our daughter by blood or not you're still our daughter " he said and kissed her forehead.

Saying that , they left the room with Auria and the box .
Auria breathed out unsteadily and took out a mini framed portrait of her real parents from the box she grazed her fathers cheek on the frame , she had his eyes and gummy smile .
She placed the portrait gingerly on the floor and took out a ancient looking thick leather book she opened it and coughed as dust hit her face showing how long it hasn't been opened.
The book was written in symbols of a different language

"Must be a Fiareeian language" Auria thought and placed the book aside

She took out a small peach silk bag , she opened it and pulled out a golden key with small rubbies surrounding it

" A key ? " Auria wondered she peered into the bag again " what am I suppose to do with a key ? "

She dug deep into the box and pulled out another book , it was black and looked to be a journal on the cover it wrote :
' To my precious daughter ' she read and smiled and took the portrait

" I have to meet them " she said lightly " no matter what "


The day went by in a blur , her gaurdian parents acted as casual as before and avoided all her questions, Auria knew they didn't want anything between them to change , she wasn't angry but she wanted space to think .

Auria's gaurdian father knocked on the door of Auria's room and nudged it open peeking inside

" Dinner is almost ready " he informed

Auria sat at her window seat gazing at the beautiful sunset before her , orange and yellow streaks filled the sky as the day came to an end

" I'm not hungry " she said still looking out the window

" I'd still like for you to sit with us" her gaurdian father said entering the room " dinner time is Family time and your mother prepared your favourite" he finished

" My mother ? " She thought

" Come on Auria " he pleaded "Things don't have to change between us , you know we love you like our own and you're the best thing that has ever happened to us , we're still so grateful that your parents chose us to take care of you "

" Why couldn't they take care of me ? " Auria asked expression less " Was I so unwanted that they gave me to strangers ? "

" No , Auria you were never unwanted , your parents had no choice" Said gaurdian dad

" I doubt that "she muttered and sighed " fine I'll be down soon "

Her gaurdian father smiled and left , Auria glanced at the ash box beside her dresser and took out her mother's journal and tucked it in her cloak before heading downstairs.

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