Chapter 3 : The Men In Black

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After dinner , Auria sat on her window seat as she usually did , she opened the window and took in deep satisfied breath .

" It always smells so good after it rains " she said to herself and took in another breath appreciating the cool air .

She noticed three men dressed fully in black under a tree looking right at her , they whispered to each other and pointed at her

" Excuse me ! You guys aren't as hidden as you think y'know " Auria yelled

The three men appeared to be surprised at her boldness before they whispered again and left blending into night ,

" Creeps " she muttered and closed the window along with the curtain

She changed into her night gown then tied up her hair into a sloppy looking pony tail , she heard mumbling coming from her parents room she quietly opened her door and crept to the door of her parents room pressing her ear against it and listened

" Accept it Dayne , that time has come " Auria's mother said coldly

" There's nothing to accept she's never leaving us NEVER ! " Auria's father said sharply

" We promised the King and Queen that when the time comes we'll tell her about them and send her back to them " said Auria's mother

" She's our daughter now Beth , are you forgetting who raised her ? " her father spat

" So what ? I love Auria just as much as you do , but we pledged the King and Queen " Auria's mother said , Auria could hear the sadness in her voice . Her father remained silent .

" King and Queen ! " Auria whisper shouted when out of nowhere the door flew opened and Auria found herself on the floor of her parents room with her father towering over her .

" Auria ? " her dad asked

" I was just about to come in to get my...uhm my hair brush when you roughly pulled open the door " Auria fumbled and scrambled to her feet

She entered and grabbed a black hair brush on the counter of her mother's dresser and quickly walked out

" Auria wait " her dad called

Auria turned around slowly with a broad sheepish smile " yes ? "

" Did you hear anything ? I mean , do you have anything to ask us ? " her dad asked slowly scratching his head with guilt

Auria thought for a moment to make it seem convincing "Uhh no , do you have anything to tell me ? " She asked in the same manner

"no..." her dad said

" okay then , good night " Auria said running to her room before her dad could ask her anything else and shutting the door

Something was definitely going on and a King and Queen seemed to be involved.


The next morning Auria stood in the kitchen chopping tomatoes absent minded , she replayed her parents conversation in her head over and over , nothing made sense .

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