Chapter 27 : Betrayal

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The banquet had been going on for hours , Mannesah stood with Kython in a corner near the stage  sipping on mocktails

"Where is Asher ? " Kython asked for what felt like the hundredth time

"I don't know Kython " Mannesah answered irked

"He's been gone for an hour now , let's go look for him "

Mannesah caught his wrist before he could take a step "he's in the estate , what could possibly happen to him ? "

"I don't know but something feels off " he answered scrutinizing the area

The royal guest left two hours ago and all the knights as well , he noticed how Tyrens never even stepped foot in the ballroom for his own banquet , something felt really off .

He shook off Mannesah's hand and marched out of the ballroom and headed the direction of the barracks

"Kython the banquet isn't over yet , where are you going ? " Mannesah stressed struggling to keep up with her heels

Kython didn't answer but continued striding with purpose through the hallways

"Kython stop right now " Mannesah ordered sternly

"I don't take orders from you "

"That's it " Mannesah snapped her fingers and Kython was trapped in a foggy illuminating cage

"Mannesah what are you doing ? " Kython demanded banging on the cage furiously

"I'm sorry Kython " she said with pain in her eyes , her eyes shown white

Kython got dizzy staring into them but he couldn't look away , it's as if he was being hypnotized, seconds later he was on the floor , his vision blurred then he blacked out.


Kython woke up with heavy eyes and an aching head , he gazed around at the foreign room he was in and was startled so see Mannesah sitting in a chair at the far end of the room staring at him . He attempted to move but realised he was tightly chained to a chair

"You're awake " Mannesah said

"Master of the obvious" he replied bluntly

"Kython I-"

"Shut it , shut that crap hole you call a mouth " Kython snapped

Mannesah visibly flinched at his words , but did as he said , she was expecting such a reaction , even worse .

"You knew , you knew Tyrens was going to attack Fiaree and you didn't tell me , you instead helped him by using the banquet as a diversion to distract me "

"I had no choice , he threatened to execute you "

"You should've let him , you did say I deserve death "

Mannesah remained silent and hung her head in shame

"What else did Tyrens tell you ? "

Mannesah opened her mouth to say something but closed it , a lump formed in her throat "H-he said he wouldn't harm you if I told him where Auria and..."

"And ? "

"...and where Alyster is "

"Alyster ? " He said through a gasp and gave her a betrayed look "Mannesah how could you ?"

"I'm sorry , I couldn't bare to lose you Kython , I couldn't, I-I-I-I had to " Mannesah said tears threatening to gush out

Kython stood up effortlessly braking the chains along with the chair and stormed to the door

Mannesah attempted to follow him but stopped once their eyes met , fiery wasn't enough to explain it .

"Don't you dare to follow me in fact never ever EVER talk to me again , you don't even have the luxury of thinking about me . From this day onwards you are dead to me " saying that he barged out of the room fuming

He made his way back to the estate and ran to the barracks stables , panic stirred within him seeing all the knights gone. He hopped on a random horse and urged it to move . If he failed as a dad once , he wasn't going to let it happen again.

Hey lovelies , hope you're all doing well and hope you enjoyed this chapter

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