Chapter 18 : Enemies

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Auria strolled peacefully through the settlements as the afternoon sun beat her skin , even though the settlements smelt quite bad and were small and muddy , it was comforting and easing .
The further she got into the settlements the more she noticed how people her age or older stared at her with amusement and admiration , she sighed with frustration and walked under the shadows of the trees that hid her the best they could

"If things are this bad , when only a few people know , I don't wanna imagine what it would be like if the entire Kingdom finds out " she huffed to herself coming across a group of teens her age

They stared loathingly and according to Auria , creepily , at her saying snarky remarks only they could hear

"Haven't your parents ever told you it's rude to stare ? " Auria asked shooting them a stern look

They blinked as if they weren't expecting her to speak
"Are you talking to us ? " Asked a concerningly skinny girl with an overly exaggerated expression

"Guys could you help me find who this snobby princess is talking to 'cuz it definitely isn't us " she said looking around the area as if she lost something

"So now I'm snobby ? " Auria asked with a snort "people say the dumbest things when their envious , oh and is that how you talk to your princess ? "

They winced at her words but quickly covered it up and stepped closer to Auria , who gladly did the same wanting a challenge

"You've got some gut don't you princess ? Do you really think we'd respect you ? No one in the Kingdom knows who you are besides us " she remarked in a sinister tone

"So ? I don't expect anything from you . Are you done ? "

The girl stared shockingly at her and stuttered to form words , Auria smiled with a sense of accomplishment and turned to walk away when a wall of tall boys stood infront of her with thick logs in their hands
The girl cackled behind her , touching the chain of Auria's necklace, Auria slapped her hand away with an unintended strength

" Nice necklace. I want it " the girl said snidely

"Then go buy it "

The girl laughed once more and nodded her head to the boys , they smirked and slowly approached Auria , swaying the logs as they went

" Night , night princess " said one with orange hair

Auria shook her head unimpressed " A girl can't just walk in peace ? " She thought mentally sighing

She waved her hand infornt of her and a force instantly pushed the boys back onto the damp ground , they stared at her crawling away with fear in their eyes , Auria noticed at the corner of her eye the crazy skinny girl on the floor , she smiled and skipped back to the heart of the settlements , to the shaken little shack that almost collapsed a while back and was unpleasantly surprised to see an injured boy sitting uncomfortably on the porch gripping his side in pain

"Alyster ! What are you doing out of bed ? Auria demanded sounding more like an over protective mother than a concerned friend

"It was so stuffy in there and smelt like whatever Nathi rubbed on me , I came out for fresh air " said the boy

"Are you trying to die ? You could get an infection " Auria said in a more gentle tone joining him on the porch "what are you thinking about ? "

"My mom "

Auria's light smile dropped remembering Lindsay , what would she think if she found out the stranger she kindly let into her home is the missing princess and the reason why her son almost died and has to live on medications the rest of his life

Hidden Royalty ( Book 1 In The Hidden Royalty Trilogy )Where stories live. Discover now