Chapter 9 : Kython

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Kython slammed his fist angrily on the long glass table and let out an ear piercing roar before turning to the muscular man twice his size , who shivered with fear under Kython's glare

" Master do forgive- "

" If you finish that sentence I'll exile you just like the others " Kython warned with a light growl " How could you let the princess escape you good for nothing fool ? "

" Master , there was nothing we could do , you didn't give us the order to capture her , you told us to fire " the man answered through stutters

" So you're blaming me are you ? " Kython asked darkly , taking a step forward

" N-no sir " the man answered quickly taking three steps back

" Get out " Kython ordered and the man quickly did so

Kython let out a growl of frustration and brushed his hand through his damp long black hair and stomped down the polished black stone stair case of his residency in Tyrens estate gripping the golden railing as he went .

He wore a grey suit that hugged his muscular body well with a black tail coat , diamond Bejeweled loafers and a sapphire snake earring on his left ear. He reached the bottom that lead into the spacious lavishly designed living room with tall white walls , a gold and diamond  chandelier in the centre of the high ceiling casting a light glow in the room , black leather sofa's and a black and white marble coffee table with a book and potted plant placed on it , both on a soft pure white carpet and on one wall was a dirty white brick fire place . On the other side , right across the living room , was a big kitchen that was rarely used because he had all his meals in the main residency , in the center of the kitchen was a long island the marble counter tops matched the coffee table and light grey cabinets , the cabinets attached to the wall were a creamy white with granite counter tops and open shelves above the crystal white and beige pink stone sink , he turned into a long  hallway that lead to his well organised office , also matching his grey , black , white and gold aesthetic , he sat in his office chair and sighed rubbing his temples , replaying the moment the princess vanished , there came a light knock on the tall smoke coloured doors

" enter " Kython answered

And in came a skinny servant girl wearing a stained white tunic with no shoes and her greasy brown hair tied in a bun

" Sir , Tyrens requests to see you " she informed

Kython flinched hearing his name "I just sat down , tell him to wait " he wanted to say but quickly held his mouth

" I'll be there shortly" he said instead

The servant bowed and left .
Kython walked through the echoing halls of his residency , the guards pushed open the iron charcoal coloured doors upon seeing him , he exited the residency entering the large courtyard being maintained by a dozen servants who bowed as he passed, he walked on the pebblestone walk path passing the main and biggest residency leading him to the second biggest residency in the estate which belonged to Tyrens . The guards pushed open the door to Tyrens royal chamber who didn't look pleased to see him , it was dimly lit as usual with papers scattered everywhere and stacks of paper piling his desk

" leave " Tyrens ordered the servants in a stern voice , they bowed at Tyrens then at Kython and quickly ran out .

Tyrens stood up from the large desk and walked slowly towards Kython and slapped him straight across his face giving him yet another bruise but he felt nothing . He has gotten used to the unexpected slaps and beatings , seeing new sores and bruises all over his body that he no longer felt the sting

" You incompetent bag of bones " he roared " you said you would return with the princess , you know I hate being disappointed ! "
Kython glared at him , resentment in his eyes

" What ? You dare to glare at me ?" Tyrens asked and slapped him again

" It isn't I who needs the princess but you , watch how you speak " Kython growled

Tyrens scoffed and a mischievous smirk spread across his face he came closer to Kython , so close his breath warmed the back of his neck

" Is that so ? " He whispered in Kython's ear in a sinister tone
"You should be the one watching how you speak , I am the only one who knows your deepest darkest secret , I'm the only one who knows what kind of a monster you really are , remember what you abandoned to be here , remember who you abandoned to be here , remember how they begged you not to leave the pain and resentment in their eyes , don't let your sacrifices be in vain Kython "

Kython stiffened and fidgeted with the diamond ring on his finger Tyrens backed away with a proud smirk .

" There were some minor complications but I have a report " Kython said trying not to feel intimidated

" Which is ? "

" She has Ausra's necklace"

Tyrens turned to him sharply " which means..."

" They are connected " Kython said finishing his sentence

Tyrens turned and looked out the window that took up a whole wall and pondered the information

Kython knew better than to disturb him while he was in deep thought , he learned the hard way

" She's in Fiaree ? " Tyrens asked already knowing the answer

" Yes sir "

" Well you have your next mission then don't you ? Get your men and go to Fiaree and get that girl , I need her alive so be careful "

" When should we leave ? " Kython asked

" As soon as possible " Tyrens instructed

Kython nodded and turned , heading to the umber coloured doors

" Kython " Tyrens called sternly " I saw something in you that day , I built you up and gave you all the  power you craved , if we get that princess you'll have power beyond your wildest dreams , you made the decision to be here . Don't disappoint me again "

" But was it the right decision? " Kython asked under his breath and walked out the chamber .

" Kython " called a voice and man with golden ombre hair and a matching well kept beard , approached Kython walking beside him

" what did the purple guy say this time " he asked with a snort

" Just another slap and another mission , nothing new " Kython answered

" How long are you going to tolerate that sort of treatment from him ? You do all the work and never get any recognition "

Kython looked down as if pondering something " You won't understand Asher " he answered weakly recalling the threat Tyrens had said to him " Soon his reign over Grackula will come to an end "

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