Chapter 19 : Off Again

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Auria increased her pace as she ran after the mother daughter duo , she felt she needed to apologise, the guilt panged in her chest , her gaurdian parents raised her better than this

Helga and her daughter turned left onto a clean grassy trail to the biggest shack there , a part of the settlements Auria has never seen before , compared to a normal house it was still small but was much bigger than the others in the settlements.

"That rodent of a princess and her mouthy friend "Helga hissed running her hands through her short brunette hair

"Right ? How dare they talk to you like that " Her daughter added wiping away her sob facade

"They seem unbearably close..."

Her daughter nodded in agreement "of course they are , that would explain why she's treating him like a normal human being while treating us like outcasts "

"Don't bother too much about her Mya , she's probably used to castles and fancy places that she apperantly has no energy for people like us " Helga comforted

Auria used all her might to not scoff aloud in the corner she stood "did she miss the part where I'm apparently missing ? " She thought rolling her eyes

Helga's eyes lit up as a thought struck her head , she looked sharply at Mya as if she too got the same idea

"Mya my darling , that princess is our ticket out of this dump and into the Fiareeian castle " Helga said in a airy tone with a sinister smile

Mya knitted her brows and looked confusingly at her mother who rubbed her hands evily with pride "what do you mean ? "

Helga sighed as she threw her hands in the air dismissively " If we get closer to that princess, she'll fall in love with us and take us along with her to the city and then to the castle "

Mya's eyes widened along with her smile

"We started on the wrong foot but if we play our cards right..." Helga continued wiggling her eyebrows at Mya who was picking the idea

"... we'll soon be royalty " Mya continued

" Yes my smart darling daughter , where we'll wear the fanciest dresses..."

"...and the finest jewellery..."

"...and eat the best food ! " They said together while squealing and jumping about with their hands clasped together

Auria stared blankly at them and blinked once " it's like they practiced this " she murmured , a little too loud

Mya and Helga turned to her with wide eyes , Auria awkwardly shifted in her spot realising she hadn't practiced what she was going to say

"I uhm...wanted to come and apologise...for myself and for my friend there "Auria mumbled fumbling with her fingers "it was wrong in many ways and we shouldn't have done that "

The two remained silent before Helga plastered on a broad smile and walked quite quickly to her and drapped her arm on Auria's shoulder

"Are you still talking about that ? Oh please , I'm way past that " Helga said in a overwhelmingly sweet way "aren't we Mya ? "

"O-of course we are" Mya agreed and forced out an obviously fake laugh

"You know what , we're so past it , that Mya was just saying how she wants you two to be friends " Helga said in a bubbly tone " aren't you Mya ? "

"Of course I am " Mya said through clenched teeth and tight fist's and a very much fake smile

"I don't really think that's a great idea " Auria said

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