Chapter 21: Bernice (2)

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The four of them entered the clinic, where they observed Bernice lying unconscious on the bed. She was exceedingly pale and had become markedly more worn than before.

It seemed as if she hadn't received adequate care on her floor. Caitlyne observed Alpherion, Gregor, and Sebastian opening the window to allow fresh air in, positioning themselves to eat in such a place that Bernice would see them immediately upon waking. They completed their breakfast with sufficient time remaining before the start of classes. Caitlyne felt somewhat envious of Bernice for having such individuals by her side. She even considered that if she had the opportunity to care for Bernice, she might be included in their intimate circle. However, this thought was tinged with guilt, as she recognized the potential exploitation of Bernice's connections solely to befriend these three men. As she grappled with this notion, they rose and excused themselves.

"Are you going to stay here, Miss Class President?" asked Sebastian.

"Ah... well, yes. I'll remain here for a few more minutes to report on her floormates' behavior," Caitlyne responded. In truth, she had no pressing tasks. Yet, if she were to leave with them after visiting Bernice, she risked being branded as someone seeking to seduce them. High society was an inescapable menace. After all, nobility reveled in gossip, having nothing more substantial to occupy their time.

Should an opportunity arise to bring someone down, they would pounce like wild animals.

"Understood. Then, can I have your account details?"

"Oh, yes," Caitlyne fumbled, attempting to link her Holowrist with the other individual. However, upon noticing their bandaged wrist devoid of any Holowrist, she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. "I'll provide you with my account details tomorrow then. That should allow sufficient time for the Holowrist to be properly set up and for your database to be established."

"Alright, then," Sebastian said as he prepared to depart with the other two, making their way toward their homeroom.

As Caitlyne took a seat, observing Bernice's pitiful countenance, she saw her eyes flutter open.

"You're awake?" inquired Caitlyne.

"Hmm...." Bernice hummed.

"Do you need something?"

"Where am I?" Bernice inquired weakly, her gaze slowly sweeping across the unfamiliar room.

"You fainted in your room, and I brought you here. You were malnourished, dehydrated, and feverish. What have you been doing?" Caitlyne asked, her voice tinged with exasperation.

"It's just that I can't seem to do anything right alone..."

"What in the world does that mean? You're the daughter of an influential noble! How can you say you can't do anything right?" Caitlyne released a heavy sigh and rubbed her face in frustration. "Look, I'm sorry. I failed to check on you because I was preoccupied with my concerns. If nobody is looking after you, then reach out to someone!"

"Haha. Easier said than done," Bernice mumbled, her eyelids drooping. "You know what I've endured, and yet you say that?"

Caitlyne fell silent. Bernice scoffed and attempted to remove the needle from the back of her hand. A jolt of concern ran through Caitlyne as she intervened to halt Bernice's actions.

"Nikka! Please!"

"Shut the hell up!" Bernice screamed, her outburst promptly followed by a wave of dizziness.

Suddenly, rushed footsteps echoed from outside before the door burst open. Sebastian held it steady, while the other two panted heavily, struggling to catch their breath. Only Sebastian stood composed, his gaze fixed on them, unfazed by the exertion. As they were leisurely departing the clinic, an alarmed yell cut through the air, followed by Bernice's piercing scream from an open window. Without hesitation, they sprinted back inside to the scene unfolding before them.

"What happened?" Sebastian inquired, his expression impassive as he turned to Caitlyne.

"She attempted to pull out her IV, and I intervened to prevent her," Caitlyne answered, her voice steady despite the tumult.

Once Alpherion had caught his breath, he sank to the ground next to Gregor, who was already seated there. Sebastian handed them water bottles containing their medicine. After ensuring that Alpherion and Gregor's temperatures were not elevated, he turned his attention to Bernice to adjust the IV line in her vein. She displayed symptoms of hyperventilation, yet they appeared to be within her control. Sebastian then turned his gaze to Caitlyne, who was doing her utmost to avoid eye contact with him.

"Miss Class President," he began, "might I request a portion of your time?"

"Ah... ah... yes," Caitlyne replied, her mannerisms slightly fidgety as she nodded.

Sebastian uttered a sound of approval before speaking briefly with Bernice. He then instructed Alpherion and Gregor to monitor Bernice's condition before escorting Caitlyne outside. They halted a few paces from the clinic's door, further heightening her nervousness. Her mind raced, anxious about what Sebastian might do or inquire of her.

"If I may be so bold, do you understand why Bernice acted thus?"

Caitlyne fell silent for a few moments, seemingly weighing her response. Then she began, "You saw how badly her face was burned, right?"


"Uhm... She was once the center of attention in High Society. We were all aware of her trip for a territory inspection and her subsequent entanglement in the Tragedy," Caitlyne began, her gaze darting to avoid meeting Sebastian's. "We were relieved to learn she was safe enough, but then distressing rumors about her began to spread. Uhm... particularly after Duke Folsom stripped her of her position as heir. It was that action that led many of us to avoid her. I swear... I believed she was well enough not to require a visit, and my schedule was demanding. I had intended to speak with her at the next seasonal banquet, but she arrived wearing a mask. This only fueled the nobles' curiosity, as she refused to reveal her face. After the event, many people approached her, pressing her to remove her mask. Everything happened so swiftly, I was truly powerless to intervene..."

"Mhm... so, are you suggesting that it was then her burns were revealed, and the bullying intensified?"

"Ah... I... ah... yes..." Caitlyne faltered, on the verge of offering an excuse, but ultimately she restrained herself, wary of further entangling herself in a predicament of her own making.

"What do you want to do then?"

Caitlyne's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she suddenly recalled a past notion of befriending Bernice's acquaintances through their shared connection. Despite having not yet acted on this idea, she harbored profound shame for merely contemplating such a possibility.

"Is it also true that she would be removed from her family registry?" Caitlyne heard Sebastian inquire, his question following a prolonged silence after her delayed response to his previous inquiry.

"Ah, yes... I heard it's scheduled for next week. The timing was deliberate, Duke Folsom being aware that she wouldn't depart from the academy by then, thus ensuring the procedure would proceed smoothly. He also possesses the necessary paperwork Bernice unwittingly left behind," she answered, her voice meek.

"Alright then, thank you," Sebastian succinctly stated before entering the clinic, leaving Caitlyne to ponder her thoughts. 

Happy reading!

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