Chapter 17: Bernice

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Alpherion and Gregor followed Sebastian aboard the HoverService. Sebastian, known to have recently undergone surgery, also had his arm in a sling. To remain conscious of his wrist injury, he secured a band around it that emitted electrical signals to his brain, simulating a stinging sensation.

After all, the pill was missing ingredients that could quickly relieve or eliminate the pain. Moreover, no painkillers had been supplied. Even though Sebastian had access to them, this didn't imply that the academy possessed any. Precisely speaking, the academy refrained from selling any medications; oversight was stringently enforced by the Medical Staff, which included both student trainees and professional hires. As a result, medications were dispensed solely on an as-needed basis.

Sebastian would avoid any course related to medical research and production. Should he create a medicine not included on their registered list, he could face interrogation regarding the possibility of having clandestinely developed a new drug without notifying the academy or crediting the knowledge acquired in the process. If possible, he preferred to remain uninvolved with them entirely.

Upon arriving at Auditorium 1, they were greeted by numerous senior students stationed behind tables for various courses, distributing flyers. These students weren't actively recruiting but rather providing written introductions to each course. With the influx of new enrollees this semester, it was imperative to conduct a thorough outreach to ensure no one was overlooked. The four individuals who transferred just before the semester commenced drew considerable attention simply by strolling around with their slings. Despite feeling somewhat humiliated, they weren't particularly bothered by it.

Meanwhile, Sebastian pondered whether this was the academy's intention—as for the timing of their arrival, he and the other newcomers had come to the academy simultaneously, except for Sebastian himself, who had been scouted by Hale a few days before the semester began. Alpherion, Gregor, and Bernice, however, had arrived well before him.

As the trio made their way to the tables, they encountered Bernice, her expression listless. Upon seeing them, she quickened her pace to join their side.

"Hey, Bernice. How have you been?" Alpherion greeted, his gaze drifting to her wrist.

"I'm fine..." Bernice huffed, though she looked visibly exhausted.

"What happened?" Gregor asked this time.

Bernice offered a feeble smile and said, "I just didn't get much sleep last night. What about you guys? How come you all seem more energetic than me?"

"Sebastian took care of us, so we felt comfortable," responded Gregor with a slight nod.

"Oh..." Bernice sighed, glancing at the three of them. "I sometimes wish I were male, you know? I feel left out by you guys. Nobody took care of me last night, and I even forgot to take my medicine before bed."

"Medicine? Oh, right, the pills?" Alpherion broke into a sweat as he exchanged glances with Sebastian and Gregor. They had a mutual understanding—they wouldn't take the pills.

Furthermore, Sebastian had already removed the microchip from their wrists. In addition, they were now donning the synthetic skin Sebastian had crafted, which had the microchip embedded within. This was a temporary measure, given that another procedure was scheduled to install the Holowrist later on.

Alpherion suddenly felt remorseful for being unable to assist Bernice with this issue. She resided on the opposite side of Epoch Isle, and men were prohibited from entering the Female Dormitory. Although Alpherion wished to help Bernice, his capacity for action was limited. During his operation, he had unexpectedly regained consciousness and overheard conversations he was not meant to hear. His body's ability to efficiently process chemicals and expel toxins caused the anesthesia to wear off prematurely. He couldn't disclose this to Gregor or anyone else, yet he was confident he could confide in Sebastian, who had harbored suspicions about the academy from the start.

"What course are you guys planning to take?" Bernice attempted to alleviate the tension that had crept into the atmosphere. She observed the three men before her, each seemingly lost in thought.

"I'm searching for courses that offer excursions," declared Sebastian, his eyes perusing the list of introductory courses.

Apart from steering clear of any medical courses, Sebastian sought those that would allow him ample personal time. His intent to investigate the island necessitated a curriculum—or job—that would accommodate sporadic absences, whether for days or weeks and enable him to visit areas typically off-limits without arousing suspicion. The available courses, however, seemed limited to economic theory, leadership, and combat art.

"Sebastian, why don't you take this?" called out someone, rousing him from his contemplation. Unbeknownst to him, his companions had already begun milling about, examining all the available courses.

"What is it?" Sebastian inquired, striding to Alpherion's side to inspect the poster he was gesturing towards.

"Mechanical Engineering?"

"Yeah. They mentioned if you have experience in machine repair or vehicle maintenance, they'll let you work for them and exempt you from the classes that cover familiar topics. You can source your materials, plus they provide access to a warehouse for anything you need," elaborated Alpherion. He added, "This is ideal for you. And if you decide to enroll, we could go together."

Sebastian squinted his eyes, acknowledging the truth in Alpherion's words. This course was indeed ideal for him. He could elect it as his major and choose minor courses situated far from the main building.

"Yes, I'll go for this one," Sebastian affirmed, picking up a flyer, followed by Alpherion and Gregor who each took one as well.

Bernice watched them, a languid smile on her face, as they chose the same course. Being the Duke's daughter, her participation was not an option. Yet, she reflected on the burn scars that had led to her ostracization from high society. Once idolized as the ballroom's star for her impeccable dancing skills, her status drastically changed. Her absence from the Dukedom—to conduct a territory inspection on her father's behalf—coincided with the Tragedy within one of those territories.

From that day forward, life seemed surreal to Bernice. It took months for her to come to terms with the abrupt change, a realization that only solidified when her father struggled to meet her gaze. It was then that the stark truth settled in—her life as a noble was over.

She could no longer entertain the prospect of marrying a nobleman or marrying at all. Her capacity to assist her father with the Dukedom's affairs vanished. As the firstborn, she had been designated the heir to the Folsom Dukedom, yet that title was stripped from her, passing to her younger brother, now only 12 years old. Declared obsolete, she persuaded her father to enroll her in High Order Academy. There, she would be out of sight and out of mind—safeguarded by the institution's robust security and surrounded by individuals of good repute, despite the increasing presence of foreigners and non-nobles alike.

This change did not trouble her—after all, the bullying at the academy could scarcely be worse than that which she faced in high society.

Happy reading!

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