Chapter 14: Something's wrong...

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Surprisingly, the tenth floor boasted its lobby. It seemed that each floor was similarly equipped, a feature that contributed to the dorm's reputation for excellence.

After Sebastian finished his preparations and invited the other two to hang out in the lobby, the next day seemed to arrive more quickly than they realized. In the cafeteria, they bypassed the usual food trays and instead carried their Tupperware to the counter to fill with food, planning to eat outside. Sebastian noticed Bernice and Hale and invited them to join. The invitation undoubtedly drew attention, but their departure was halted by a group of female students.

"Good morning," Leila greeted with a sweet smile. Behind her, a trio of girls mirrored her warm expression.

"Good morning..." Sebastian returned the greeting when he noticed Alpherion and Gregor disregarding the group. He was inclined to do the same, yet he found Hale glaring at him, for reasons unknown.

"You're Sebastian, right?"


"You're Alpherion and Gregor, right? It's nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you both. Welcome to High Order Academy," Leila said, performing an elegant curtsy despite her hands being occupied with a food tray.

Sebastian, managing his Tupperware with one hand, mimicked Leila's curtsy with a polite nod. Alpherion and Gregor, following Sebastian's lead, offered a similar gesture in return.

Amused and pleased with their display of politeness, Leila found this group intriguing.

"I don't want to hold you up, so please enjoy your breakfast," she said, then performed another curtsy before departing with her entourage.

Sebastian, Alpherion, and Gregor, initially puzzled, didn't let it bother them as they quickly set up a blanket on the grass. They chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was harmonious. With time still left before breakfast ended, they decided to lie down again and relax. The trio offered the blanket to Hale and Bernice, who didn't mind the grass underneath them. The group on the blanket didn't anticipate the genuine serenity they would experience. As Bernice wore a skirt, Hale provided her with a weighted towel for extra coverage. Other than that small consideration, the group basked in the soothing warmth of the sun as they dozed off.

They all sat up as the chime rang, signaling the end of breakfast time.

Following the chime, they proceeded to the registration office to have their Holowrists installed—a mandatory step for acquiring a student's permanent ID. Functioning as a universal pass, the Holowrist proved convenient for vacations outside the academy or for global travel upon graduation. Reflecting on their recent relaxation, Alpherion and Gregor entertained the thought of one day traveling the world at leisure just as they had the day before.

The procedure was completed around 4 PM. Sebastian, Gregor, and Bernice waited for Alpherion to emerge. Before entering the operating room, they had been sedated and would awaken in the recovery area. There, they were prescribed medication to be taken after each meal for approximately a month.

Alpherion emerged pale, a pill dispenser in hand, his operated arm cradled in a sling. He appeared quite fearful, casting a glance at Sebastian before steadying himself on his feet.

Recently operated upon, the group's dinner would be served in the comfort of the 10th-floor lobby. Bernice, separated from the others due to dormitory distinctions, would have Hale's company during her meal.

Alpherion, Gregor, and Sebastian walked to their dorm rooms in silence—a usual practice, yet for Alpherion, it had become stifling. Unable to bear the quiet any longer, he urged the other two into his room once they reached the 10th floor.

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