Chapter 18: Forward

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That was how Bernice made her way to the High Order Academy—or more accurately, how she sought refuge there. Naturally, it wasn't an absolute escape, considering that other noble families had also sent their heirs to this esteemed institution.

She had already mastered the noble-mandated classes with her private tutors in the Dukedom, which led her to forgo them at the academy. The uncertainty of what courses to choose next lingered; her once-certain future as the leader of the Dukedom had been unceremoniously stripped away. Echoing in her mind were her father's stinging words, branding her as nothing in the absence of her inheritance. As she contemplated her next move, she wondered if following the trio of men into mechanical engineering—a field deemed unseemly for nobles yet ironically essential to their grandiose projects—might offer a new path.

She reached for a flyer at the stand, grasping a few more than the others had. Venturing into uncharted territory, the notion of success seemed closer, especially if she joined forces with the three men ahead.

A notification from Hale popped up, capturing Bernice's attention as she checked the message.

[Hetian: Hey, Bernie, where are you at the moment? I have completed my duties for the day.]

[Berry-licious: Greetings, Hale. I am with the group right now, gathering flyers.]

[Hetian: What? I'll go there!]

[Berry-licious: How about we meet up in the cafeteria?]

Bernice halted as she noticed her message to Hale remained unread.

[Berry-licious: Hale...?]

"Uh... guys?" she called out, interrupting the silence.

Alpherion, Gregor, and Sebastian turned toward her almost instantly, their faces inquiring what the matter was. The scene bordered on comical as they, amidst the chaos of arranging flyers with just one arm each, froze and directed their attention to her at her call.

She stifled her laughter and said, "It looks like the Vice President is hurrying over to us."

They all looked puzzled at the same time, their faces questioning 'Why?'

"I'm not sure myself. She just sent a message saying she's on her way here, but she hasn't even read my earlier texts."

"Is there an issue? This was a scheduled event, right?" Alpherion inquired, seeking confirmation from the three of them.

They all nodded in agreement, as this was part of the planned itinerary of the academy.

"Well, Hale mentioned we'd meet in the cafeteria for lunch. Perhaps she wants to join us," Sebastian suggested.

However, a commotion was unfolding around them, their gazes fixated on Bernice. Oddly enough, their looks were mocking, yet Bernice herself seemed unfazed by the attention.

"Bernice!" someone from the group called out to her.

Bernice pressed her eyes close and took a deep breath.

"What is it, Kyle?" she asked gently, wearing an amicable smile.

"Why are you enrolling in all the same courses as these gentlemen?" Kyle Morg Aragon inquired, his gaze shifting away from the three men accompanying her.

Bernice sighed softly, "I'm no longer the heir, so I'm free to choose any courses I wish."

"But... doesn't it bother you to be the sole woman in the group? Moreover, these men have chosen courses outside the nobility track! You may not be the heir, but you're still a Folsom, Bernice. That counts for something, doesn't it?"

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