Chapter Two

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Jay's POV


The same question every time.


I asked myself over and over and over.


She could've been like everybody else. Rude, uncaring, self-centered. She could've been a stuck-up jerk like them. But, she was different. So much different.

Maybe I could see her again. We could, perhaps, get to know each other.

I thought hopefully for a few seconds before coming back to reality.

She would never. She probably doesn't even remember anymore.  She probably doesn't care.  She probably is like everyone else.

That made me sad for a moment, but my mind reasoned with me.

Why should she?

She shouldn't. It's that simple. She shouldn't care. Nobody should care about me. I wasn't worth it. I had to live with the fact that I wasn't to be cared for by anyone. Never had, never would. I would die lonely and shunned. The old man who never knew love.

A frightened scream aroused me from my dream-like thoughts. I snapped my head up and looked around the park. At first, I didn't see anything wrong. Only when the scream came again, did I figure out what was wrong.

A large dog was advancing towards a little girl. I ran over to the little girl to help. I studied the dog. A male stray by the looks of it. He looked like a mix of boxer and Anatolian shepherd, large, but not a threat. The kid was probably just freaked out because of the size.

"Shhh, the puppy isn't going to hurt you. He just wants to be petted. Here, watch me." I tried to calm the little girl down.

I reached out my hand and stroked the canine's back. He wagged his tail. I scratched him behind the ears. He licked my hand.

I turned to the little girl, "Do you want to try?"

She nodded, and started petting the dog all over. She was giggling now. I smiled.

The girl's mother came over,"Well, Riley, what have you found?"

"It's a doggie, Mommy. Can we keep him? He doesn't have a collar. Please!"

"I don't know about that, sweetie."

"But, Mommy, he's so sad, 'cause nobody cares about him. Please, please, please can we take him home?"

"Oh, alright. I guess we have room for a dog."

The little girl squealed in delight, "Yay, Mommy! Thank you so much!"

Oh, how I wish I was that dog.


Peace, guys! I apologize if the story is boring right now, I didn't know how else to start it. I promise it'll start getting better. Remember to vote if you like it! :) :P :D

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