Chapter 10

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The bright light of the familiar blue and green ground bridge lit up the dark of the night.

From the portal, Optimus Prime, Arcee and Bulkhead stepped out. During that time, the rookie, Smokescreen, was just recovering from his encounter with Breakdown.

He slowly sat up and groaned. Arcee and Bulkhead attended to him while Optimus looked around.

“ Ugh. What happened? ” He groaned as he stood up.

“ That’s what we want to know too, rookie, ” Arcee looked around. “Where are the girls? ”

“ I…don’t know. The last thing I saw was a missile exploding in front of me, Aqua and K. The missile was aiming for them, and I managed to shield them a little, but I don’t know where they are anymore or what happened to them, ” he hung his head in shame.

Optimus’s fists clenched.

“ We will worry about that later. Arcee, Bulkhead, bring Smokescreen back to base so Ratchet can attend to him. I will try and track the girls, ” he instructed the two warriors.

Arcee and Bulkhead held onto Smokescreen on each side and went through the ground bridge.

Optimus was angry.

He will make sure that nothing happens to the girls.

He doesn’t want to sacrifice two human lives for the restoration of their planet.


K roamed the hallways of the decepticon warship.

Any deceptions that interfered and/or blocked her path were either ripped apart into pieces or got shot at many times by K’s cursed power.

K laughed at the ‘poor’ robots that do not know what’s coming for them in her killing streak.( R.I.P Steve 😞-Aqua )

She was searching for her sister and her brother.

Soon, she got tired of walking around.

She had to find her siblings, or Arceus knows what would happen to them. 

She used her powers and the relic to locate and find the signals of her siblings.

The strongest signal near her was Rex’s signal.

She ran towards his signal, and entered the room, where he was being suspended in chains, the same way she was being tortured earlier.

“ Hey! What are you doing here, fleshy? ” K heard a vehicon trooper question.

K wasn’t really in the mood to roast him right now, so she used her cursed powers to pick him up,shake him and crash him onto the walls as if he was a ball in a shaker before pinning him hard onto a nearby wall.

He too will get hushed up by her curse if he ever tried to out her in any way.

Rex lifted his head and smiled when he saw his little sister.

“ K, you’re okay! ” He coughed weakly.

“ What did they do to you Rexy..? ” K bit her lip as she broke open the chains that were tied around his hands.

Rex fell to the ground and K helped him up.

“ I thought I said no using cursed powers in a different world, ” Rex smiled.

“ Oh shut up, ” K lightly elbowed his gut before embracing him into a tight hug, Rex embraced her back.

“ Where’s Aqua? ” Rex asked, breaking the hug.

Spark, Mist and Heart: a Transformers Prime and Pokémon crossover. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن