Chapter 8:

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“ Bulkhead, you have to hold still! ” Miko chided Bulkhead as he struggled to balance on one foot while remaining frozen.

They were planning a game of Red Light, Green Light. ( *Squid game intensifies* -K )

“ Hey! I saw Smokescreen move! ”

“ Arcee, what the hell is that pose? ”

“ Aqua! You are stepping on my scarf! ”

“ It’s not my fault that you are so close! ”

“ Bumblebee, no wiggling your fingers! Just ‘cause Miko waved at you, doesn’t mean you should wave back! She’s the doll and she’ll try to make you distracted so you will move! ”

“Smokescreen, you can’t transform into a car! That’s cheating!”

“ Haha, suck on it Raf! ”

“ Smokey! Take me with you! I can’t hold this pose! ”

“ Beep brr! ”

“ Hey, I’m trying my best not to move! Why did I end up in this position? ”

“ Oh shut up Jack, at least I’m frozen! ”

“ What? The rules never said I couldn’t! ”

“ Okayyy, Green light! ”

The base was in chaos as Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee ran towards Miko.

The heavy pounding of footsteps was giving Ratchet a cranial ache.

After a few rounds, Aqua, K, Raf and Jack opted out of the game as Raf almost got crushed by Bulkhead’s big pedes in one of the rounds, and were giving moral support to the bots.

Optimus was intensely watching them, as he tried to ensure that no one got hurt, but somehow got immersed into the game.

He was fascinated with the cultures that the kids knew.

Ratchet, on the other hand, was not.

“ Red light! ” Miko suddenly exclaimed.

The two more agile bots immediately froze.

Smokescreen had a bit of trouble trying to balance himself, but managed to.

Bulkhead, on the other hand, tripped over an invisible rock and landed on the ground bridge control, partially destroying it.

Ratchet, who was working on it, was taken aback and managed to move away from the collision before he got in the mess.

“ Bulkhead! I needed that! ” Ratchet complained.

The kids were just staring in awe.

Miko burst into laughter as Smokescreen followed. Soon, all the kids started to laugh as Arcee tried to contain her laughter.

Optimus walked over to Bulkhead and helped him up.

But beneath all the concern, the Prime smiled. He was happy to see the Autobots and their human allies bonding together.

“ Prime! ”

Optimus Prime’s smile faded, as he looked up at the computer. The familiar sight of Special Agent William Fowler caught the attention of the autobots.

“The cons seemed to be taking advantage of this snow disaster. They hit another military lab all the way over on the other side of Nevada. The staff there are having some issues in security, so the cons managed to steal whatever was inside. The three things they stole are a plasma injector, a neutron shield and a Tessarat. Sound familiar?”

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