Chapter 5

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*The next morning*

“ Xynopt, Potato and Yang, COME ON OUT! ” K said while tossing her Pokéballs in the air.

One by one, Rayquaza, Dragonite and Zekrom came out of the Pokéball, all letting out their signature cry.

The barn was tall enough to accommodate Pokémon like Xynopt and Rex’s Pokémon so K and Rex did not need to sneak out to find a secluded space to feed their Pokémon.

K handed them some fruit and told them to hurry up and eat, as Rex’s Pokémon are equally as hungry.

It was a new day and still early in the morning, Smokescreen would not be here until noon.

Aqua already fed her Squirtle then fell back asleep and it is now her turn to feed her hungry Pokémon.

Rex was busy monitoring the 2 girls and also managed to clean up the barn a little, Aqua was busy fixing Rex’s teleportation stone.

After K played and cleaned up after her Pokémon, she returned them to their Pokéballs before letting Rex summon his Pokémon.

K immediately went to hug Nugget, Rex’s Groudon and said a good morning to a very sleepy Yin, Rex’s Reshiram and Charry, Rex’s Charizard.

Transformer’s pov ( Autobots )

At the Autobot's base, Ratchet concluded that the new signature, one of blazing fire, could possibly come from the 2 girl’s brother.

It was the only logical explanation, since he was technically related to them.

“ So, do we have to bring him to our base too? ” Ratchet grumbled.

“ Not sure if that's needed. The deceptions  haven't found him yet. That means the deceptions  can't detect him, ” Arcee said.

( Pov In the Nemesis)

“ What do you mean you can't detect the third signal!? Megatron yelled at Knockout.

“ Yes, Knockout. Weren't there three signals last night? And we now know that the two other humans are with the autobots, but what about the third one? ” Starscream echoed Megatron.

“ Apologies, Lord Megatron. I am unable to track the last signal. It's so low and faint that I can't even track it, ” he explained.

“ Well, then. We will just have to try harder. I need the relics, only then, will our planet, Cybertron, will be restored. And when I do, I will take over Cybertron and use it to my advantage! Megatron snarled.

*Mist dragon POV*

“ Bye girls, I’ll go hunt for more berries. Our Pokémon are very hungry creatures and we can’t afford to starve them, ” Rex said before he left the barn. Aqua had fallen back to sleep, exhausted from the previous night.

A few minutes after Rex had left, the sound of a car was heard outside their barn.

“ Good timing! ” K said as she recognised the familiar paint job of Smokescreen.

“ Ready to hit the road and back to base? Optimus wants to explain to you the magic of the relics you own, ” he said as the doors opened.

“ Oh, alright! Lemme just wake up Aqua. She’s still exhausted from the previous night, ” K said before turning back to leave Rex a note,that they left to explore more and they would be back the next day in the afternoon, before going to wake up Aqua.

It was 12.36pm. Aqua woke up like a bullet and they both walked towards Smokescreen, got inside him and they zoomed off.

The girls were quiet during the journey.

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