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I don't remember falling for you

I remember seeing you

And tumbling down these veined stairs to land in your chest

Bruised and disoriented, but surrounded by your cardiac bliss

I don't remember falling for you

But I remember the sound of your name on my lips

Honey-sweet, sticky so it might never leave

I remember phone calls with long silences

Every word falling away obsolete in your presence

I remember the feeling of your knee grazing mine

The feeling of time collapsing around your smile

Maybe that's why you light everything up like stardust

I'm so lost in everything you are, always around me

I don't remember how I got here, but I wouldn't change a thing

Spinning out, every word another drop of ecstasy

Skin rolling in heart shaped folds

Alive, so utterly yours

I don't remember when I fell

But I know I could never pull myself out

I don't remember falling

But memory is odd

So easily fabricated

So maybe that's why your face hovers through every image I see

Why your voice echoes in a way nobody else's does

Why you make me feel a way nobody else does

I can't remember falling

Because I never fell

Because I was yours from the beginning

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