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I find myself falling into you

Like the point between the ocean and the sand

The spot where the sky becomes space

An ever-blending oil painting, watching lilac and rose sunsets drip from your smiles

Like moonlight off the hiding sun

Endless comparisons each defined by their counterparts

A beauty in the culmination

This skin bordered mosaic of iridescent shards

Glimmer in your hazel kaleidoscope iris

So I lay here writing, residing in the space between your colors

So much like stained glass, not entirely whole, suffused in your infinite hues

Whispering your name like the first violin before we burst in this symphony

You, reminding me so of the poetry I aspire to write:

Wanting words to run like waterfalls the way your hair does

Wanting lyrics to glow the way your smile does,

A solar incandescence, scorch my skin

So I might have a remnant of our time

Time immemorial, you

Like all other works of art, held in a museum

As though a single paragraph or a thousand could summarize you

An emotional Michelangelo

Infinite expression paling next to you

Hoping I don't stain your red blazer

With this heart so brutally pinned to my sleeve

An offering for you my love

Hoping in all your artistry I might at least be a piece of your afterword

So we might make beauty once more

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