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It's hard to believe
But you left 63 scars on me
Lining my legs
Your name
Over and over and over
A permanent mark
Connecting you and me

Now the memories are solidified
No questioning anything that happened
Not when it's tangible
Not when it stands out every morning in the mirror

But it's okay
You left holes in the walls I had to put up around myself
But we can plaster over
New drywall
New paint
We can move on

I never thought that would happen
Did you know I found someone else?
I never thought that would happen
Did you know when I'm with them the memories aren't there?
I never thought that would happen

Because even the tangible doesn't have to be meaningful
So I'll let you keep the 63
Because now I'll have 63 new things to plaster over
New friends, new loves, new days
To cover up all the marks you left behind
You can have yours
I'll have mine
And maybe
For once in long time
We'll be fine

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