This One Really Doesn't Make Sense

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I've started to notice

How much I write about

Your touch, your appearance

Like it's all that matters

But darling you're so much more

In your presence, transcendent

Separate, a universe of our own

Where we can abandon all logic

Where I can swim in your voice

Cleansing, ringing

Run over me, a romantic baptism

So I might emerge

As nothing more than yours

So I might walk in that hazel earth of your irises

To watch the Spring arrive

Bearing flowers so much like the one you gave me

I can hold it tight and think of you

Like all roses, let it prick my finger

Run in those rouged droplets

Spelling your name

Traced in this dark ink

Black like your pupils

Watch me fall in

Dark, illuminated only be the white of your smile

Set me ablaze in that same white heat

To cool in that voice of yours

And repeat endlessly

A juxtaposed myriad of sounds and sensation, melting before you

Governed by no rules but our own

Nothing but you and I in these moments

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