"What is it?" Bruce asked, noticing the frown on J'onn's face. "I cannot see into her mind...I am being blocked out. I believe she has a resistance to telepathy" J'onn replied, worried for his friends adopted daughter. As if he cannot see into her mind, then there's no telling if it was physical, mental, or something else.

Bruce hearing this, frowned. The more he heard about his daughter, and her situation, the more he was getting worried. As nothing he was doing was telling him what exactly was wrong with her.

"Perhaps this is a situation that calls for magic, or the rest of the League's help" J'onn said, as he realized that whatever was happening to this girl, was big, and might call for the help of the League itself, rather than just him and Bruce.

"I don't want to call all of them over something like this" Bruce said simply, as he looked at his daughter, not letting his worry outwardly show. J'onn could obviously tell that the man was worried for his daughter "The rest of the League will not blame you Bruce. If anything, I believe they will aid you with all their power. We care about this girl too, not just because of her power, but because she is your daughter" J'onn said, placing a comforting hand on Bruce's shoulder.

Bruce went silent for a few moments, before sighing and replying "Fine, I'll call the league"

Walking over to a nearby computer, Bruce input a code, before speaking "Calling all League members...I am in need of your help"


Within the meeting room of the Watchtower, the members of the Justice League sat. Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern (Both Hal Jordan), Shazam, Hawman, Hawkwoman, Zatara, and Red Tornado.

Atom was out of town, and John Stewart was not even in their Solar System right now.

Seeing that everyone was there, Bruce began "I know that this is out of the blue, but I need your help to find out what is wrong...with my daughter" Bruce said, as on the screen a video of Gwen writhing on the medical pain played.

"That's Gwen, right?" Dinah, aka Black Canary, asked. Bruce nodded at the question. "Shortly after the incident at Cadmus, I had returned home, only to find out she had been like this. According to my...friend, she has been unconscious for roughly 5 hours now. J'onn cannot get into her mind, as she seems to have a resistance to telepathy. While none of the tests I have conducted have told me anything"

"This is why I've called you all here. I need your help to find out what is happening to her, and how to stop it" Bruce said, as they all looked at eachother. "How can we help?" Hal asked, knowing that Bruce was never like this, and it was obviously important to the man.

"I have theories on what it could be, but I believe Zatara may be the one that can get the most information on what is happening to he-" "SKREECH" Bruce was cut off by a loud screeching noise, ementating from the screen. Turning his eyes widened as a black like goop came off of Gwen, before it surrounded her body.

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"What the hell is that?!" Hal asked, as he shot up

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"What the hell is that?!" Hal asked, as he shot up. Bruce's eyes widened "Is that live?" Diana, aka Wonder Woman asked. Bruce nodded as he began to race off to the medical bay, wanting to stop whatever the hell that thing was.


Within the medical bay, the symbiote known as Toxin, was passively surrounding it's new host, assimilating itself into her, and becoming a part of her very being.

As the door flew open, Flash and Superman got there just in time to see the symbiote melt back into her body, becoming one with her again. "What the hell?" Flash asked, as the symbiote disappeared back into her skin.

Walking into the room, Bruce noticed the lack of the strange goopy thing "What happened to the creature?" Bruce asked with a frown.

"It went back into her" Superman said, as he activated his x ray vision. "It's almost like it's becoming one with her. But whatever it is, it doesn't look like it's harming her" Superman said, as he looked her over via x ray vision.

Zatara soon walked into the room "Let us start the tests, shall we?"
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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be Gwen finally waking up, and her reaction to her new power, as well as a talk with the League and her dad. Some other stuff will happen too.

She won't have another assimilation this big, at least not until the next System evolution. As once her body goes through an assimilation this big once, it sort of adapts to it, making the next one far faster, and way less dramatic.

Next chapter might be longer, but idk, we'll see.

Sorry about the late upload for this fic, I ended up getting back into town WAY later than I was expecting, and I straight up just went to sleep the second I got home. My spring break is a lot more busy than I was initially expecting, but it should be back to normal now...hopefully.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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