The Parameters Of Risk and Reward

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 The Parameters Of Risk and Reward

The Rawsone Residence, Denver, Colorado...

        Exhausted and still reeling from the session and the headache that came along with it, Hadrian decided to call it an early night when he finally reached his home. There was no sign of Julia or her car so he headed upstairs and slowly discarded his clothes. He'd been in much need of a shower and was surprised that Maureen had not remarked as much when he'd been alone with her. He guessed that she was more concerned about the distress he'd been in when he phoned and decided not to judge. He was grateful to her, after all, she was the only person he could completely confide in without it turning into a major pity war as it would have if he'd been able to speak with Julia about it.

Hadrian's tired muscles ached something awful and the headache didn't let up but he was determined to get himself clean before heading straight to bed. He didn't doubt that wherever Julia had been, she would have a good deal of questions for him, especially since he had not returned home the previous night.

The rushing water and the warmth from it had been a welcome change and a familiar occurrence all at once, as Hadrian carefully stepped inside the tub and stood beneath the rapidly spewing silver showerhead. The images of the women from the previous morning had returned as he attempted to make sense of why he'd gone out in the first place. He recalled the feeling of being engulfed via warmth and a gentle suckling sensation that drove him wild with each thrust despite feeling sick to his stomach that he'd been actively betraying his wife in the process.

Their names were Bethany and Tammy.

He remembered the way they spoke to each other while he pumped his hips between their collective thighs. Hadrian groaned feeling the swelling of his cock as the vivid aspect of his memories returned. He caught himself longing for that morning back and quickly shook himself as he stood beneath the rushing water of the shower head. He took a deep breath in a bid to quell the desire for the women that had erupted inside him as a result of the memories. He tried his best to focus his attention elsewhere, forcing his mind to adhere to the memories of his wife and their numerous encounters since becoming man and wife.

Picturing Julia had the opposite effect and as a result, his erection subsided for the time being. Hadrian decided it was just as well and focused his efforts on bathing and then falling into bed afterward.

Hadrian finished up his shower in record time and wrapped a towel around his waist. He shuffled into the bedroom where his headache began to become progressively worse causing him to feel dizzy and faint at the same time. He had barely reached the mattress when his body seemed to give out of its own accord and he could move no further before he collapsed right then and there.

Everything around him had gone dark and he had not even heard a sound.


Packed Nightclub, Unknown City, Unknown State.....

Pulsing music and loud patrons greeted the new arrival in the form of Dr. Hadrian S. Rawsone as he entered the club. He was dressed to impress in a rather expensive black suit without a tie and the shirt unbuttoned at the collar. He smirked as he moved about the room noting the flashing neon and the bodies huddled together on the dance floor. The good doctor ordered a few drinks, some for himself and some for a group that had been gathered at the bar when he arrived. He seemed to have been in his element, enjoying all the perks nightlife had to offer him as he puffed on a cigarette and stared across the room at a fast-approaching college-aged blonde with lovely green eyes.

She was thin and wearing a pink colored bikini top and tight-fitting short-cropped jean shorts that showed off her moderate curves and barely the end of her bikini bottoms. She was drunk, that much was evident the moment she walked over smelling as though she'd drank an entire keg herself in one sitting. She still had splashes of beer along her neck and chest as she showed off her rather impressive mid-range breasts as she cheered and roared along with the rest of the crowd.

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