"Emmett I wouldn't. I've seen how this plays out and trust me, you wouldn't last the amount of time Esme will put you through without touching Rosalie" she shoved the Xbox under arm, " and I wouldn't be able to last without touching Jazzy!"

Emmett groaned and Rosalie looked above her magazine.

"Why am I always dragged into this?"

"Because that's the only way we can hurt Emmett," I answered snickering. It was true. Esme was going to make them punish for a month without touching their mates.

Rosalie grumbled to herself before dragging Emmett upstairs. I don't even want to think about what they're going to get up to. My heart longs for someone of my own. Someone who was mine in all sense. I wanted to find my mate but after moving around a lot, no one stood out. Women have tried but not succeed. I was told that when you find your other half you just knew and I haven't had that feeling yet.

Maybe I was destined to be alone.

The room slowly emptied and we all went back to doing our normal nighttime routine. Alice and Jasper went hunting, Rosalie and Emmett were doing their bedroom activities and Carlisle and Esme were discussing where we should move next. Since we didn't age we had to move every few years so the humans wouldn't get suspicious of us. Sometimes we hid, sometimes we went out publicly. Of course, when we hid we were able to stay in a place longer but that soon gets boring.

We were currently living in Alaska near our distant 'relatives'. They were animal drinkers like us and we classed them as family. I loved being up here in the snowy mountains but being around Tanya, the woman who has feelings for me and is trying to convince me we're mates, is hard. She just won't leave me alone no matter how many times I reject her.

Besides, she was like a cousin to me and if I did date her that'll be weird. I'm not into that.

I shuffled over to my grand piano and started playing Esme's favourite song in hopes it would calm her down. It worked. I could see the stress and anger leaving her face as she gently swayed to the melody. Smiling, I continued to play all through the night.

It was early sunrise when Alice and Jasper returned. By then we were no closer in deciding where we were going to live. Rosalie and Emmett joined us a few hours before they came back much to my relief. I only wished Emmett would stop thinking about what they got up to.

"Emmett seriously, I don't want to know what you did with your wife," I groaned feeling queasy. Could a vampire vomit?

"Stay out of my head then! It's not my fault you're all alone!"

I sighed and Esme scolded him for being rude. It was true though, maybe if I wasn't alone I wouldn't feel like this. Alice came rushing into the living room before I could drown even more in my sorrows.

"Are any of you expecting a delivery?" Alice asked and I looked up. She was holding what looked to be four books and a note.

Everyone shook their heads which peaked my curiosity. If they didn't order anything, who did?

"Not even you Edward?" She asked "It's addressed to you"

"What?" I replied and dashed over to her side.

In her hands I could see the books were called 'Twilight', 'New Moon,' 'Eclipse, and 'Breaking Dawn'.

"I didn't order anything" I said grabbing the note. On the front there was one word, my name.

Carlisle stood up ready to take from as our leader. We didn't know if this was a threat or not which put us all on edge.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Open it Edward" He said and I opened the note.


You don't know me but I sure know you. I've been watching you for some time now and have grown...sorry for you about your mate situation.

I have a special gift which allows me to see people's futures. It's sort of like Alice's but more powerful. When yours came to me I had to write it down.

You have the power to change what happens. I only saw what would be the possibility of the events happening. If you choose not to believe me that's fine, but every word written in them books are true.

The other person in this book will receive the same as you so she's aware as well.

I hope this gives you the peace and reassurance you need. You deserve some happiness.



Ps. The first book is Twilight.

Everyone's thoughts clouded with confusion. Who was this S.M? How did she know me? What did she mean by having a vision about me? Are we in danger?

"Look I understand we're all confused right now," Jasper said, breaking the silence, "but this book is about Edward. Before we start worrying I think we should read them"

We all agreed and I grabbed the first book before sitting down on the sofa. I took a deep breath and opened it to first page, curious about how this would change things.

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