𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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I hate feeling sick.

I naturally don't like eating, but drugs don't really work with food- as they say. I don't believe it. Though there's another alternative, injections, and I am not a fan of hospitals. So it's just a long boring and annoying process I don't like but I don't have control.

Hashim wanted to stay over the next day after affan's naming ceremony but I told him I was fine, besides it's khadija's turn and I don't want to hold him up or something.

My phone rang on the bedside table and I groaned, I doubt I'd be able to reach for it. I haven't even prayed zuhur and asr yet and it's almost time for maghreb.

I still tried and reached for the phone and sighed when I saw *sexy H*. The name Hashim had saved for himself.

"Daliah". I shut my eyes, even though I'm feeling like a truck ran over me, his voice and the cool sound of my name on his lips affected me.

"How are you feeling?". He asked. He is asking about my mental health from my breakdown last night.

"Uh, I'm fine".

"Are you sure?".

"You saw me okay this morning. I just have a headache".

"Have you taken medication? Have you eaten?". He sounded genuinely worried.

"Yeah,". I didn't want him worrying too much.

"I think we should get a maid, I don't like that you're all on your own".

"It's just two days and there's the security guard".

"Yeah I know you are safe like that, but you're alone. It gets boring right".

"I'm fine". He sighed, he'll probably nag me about always saying I'm fine or everything's fine.

"Okay, well make sure you have your dinner okay?". Surprisingly he didn't nag.

"I will".

"Okay, I'll call you later".

"Hm, bye". I waited for a reply from him then hung up.

I dragged myself out of bed and prayed, I felt an invisible weight lift off my shoulders. I sat there until it was Maghreb and then prayed.

I need a fridge in my room because I want malt now but I can't go down. I drank the water in my room and after Isha, I lay back in bed. Hashim sent a message to ask if I had eaten and to say goodnight after.

I also saw a message from Annoor with crying emojis saying I'm neglecting her. We spoke two days ago but I didn't have the energy to deal with her tantrums so I dropped the phone and just lay in bed.


I felt worse two days later and I decided maybe it's because I'm always laying around. I got up after zuhur and bathed with difficulty then wore a small tight short sleeved shirt and wide cotton pants. I was feeling cold but my body was hot enough to boil water, the typical fever feeling.

My hair was a mess but I had no energy to deal with it. I went downstairs to put something in my very empty stomach. I hadn't eaten anything even malt except for water since yesterday.

Hashim is coming back today but that should be later, so I'm expecting to eat well today. I opened the fridge and almost immediately lost my appetite but I still reached for a bottle of malt and got a cup and sat on a stool.

I didn't expect to hear the door open. I'm sure it's Hashim but, it's too early. I waited till I heard his footsteps by the kitchen, I wanted to turn but I really didn't have the energy to, also I look like a mess. I was thinking of fixing my hair or just wearing a cap over it if I'm too tired and my eyes look sunken too.

I also didn't expect him to wrap his arms around me from behind, but I didn't have time to ponder on that as I saw what he was holding before me.

"Your temperature is high". He pulled back and came to my side.

"Welcome home". I said quietly.

"Are you sick?". He asked taking in my appearance and placing his palm to my forehead.

"It's just a slight fever".

"This is not slight, Daliah. Since when?". He looked disappointed.

"Uhm, yesterday". I lied not wanting to make it worse.

"You should have told me".

"I'm sure you haven't even eaten". He eyed the malt and the sink as if searching for dirty plates.

"Let me make you something then we'll go to the hospital". He moved away from me still annoyed and started walking around to make me something and I sat quietly. I wouldn't have spoken, he didn't even look at me again.

He made a bowl of oats and pushed it in front of me. I looked at it then I looked up at him, he was looking at me.

"I just didn't want to worry you". I said quietly.

"I want to daliah..". He came to where I sat and turned me to face him.

"I want to worry and fret about how you're feeling and what's going on in your head". He said his hands holding my shoulders.

"Thank you". He looked at me for a few seconds then moved to pick the flowers he had come in with.

"You ruined my surprise. I actually even had this poetic statement to say when I give you". I looked at him amused.

"What is it?". He smiled sheepishly.

"It's supposed to go 'you're as pretty and rare as these dahlia's' you guys have the same name". The corners of my lips lifted into a genuine smile.

"I love them". I took the small bouquet from him and sniffed it. I looked up at him and he was already looking at me.

He leaned down and pecked my lips then patted my head.

"Now eat before it gets cold, we still have to go to the hospital".

He left to go freshen up while I ate. I finished half of the contents of the bowl and then went upstairs to put on a hoodie and get a veil.

We left for the hospital and even though I wanted to complain about how I hated it and didn't want to go, I kept my mouth shut because I am tired of being sick with no improvement.

I got a fever reducer shot and two more and they said they had to put on a drop because I'm very weak but I didn't want to stay so we got the prescribed meds and went back home.

Hashim forced me to rest after that. He was extra caring and I loved that. It was great, I had someone else to worry and fret over me.

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