𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟

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Faruq and I had taken out exams, we aced them. Ever since uncle Ali had stopped me that night on that rooftop, nothing motivated me in life, but now, that smile on uncle Ali's face when he saw my result. He looked proud, he told he was. That was what I wanted.

Now, apart from living to worship to Allah, of course. My second purpose in this life is to make uncle Ali smile like that, me being the reason behind it.

I didn't know what to study in the university, so he and halima helped me with choices, I finally decided on computer engineering. It's not something I've always wanted to do, but I just picked it at random.

Uncle Ali reminded me, while we looking at choices, how I wanted to become a doctor when I was little, but I wasn't exactly motivated anymore, coupled with the fact that I needed six years tops. So I am going to become a computer engineer.

So far, the four months I have spent with them has been okay, good. Well, let me say I haven't had a serious episode that required a hospital or even anyone knowing for a long time. Just scratches with my nails. Nightmares, that ended with me waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat and gasping for air, nothing verses from the Qur'an and nafila couldn't solve. A slight eating problem, which halima is unable to solve. I just can't go more than five spoons.

Apart from that, I was good. I felt like school would take my mind of some things. Hopefully.

Uncle Ali also got us gifts; faruq and I on passing out exams and getting into university. I got a laptop and faruq a PS 5. He was really happy.

One thing I like about uncle Ali is that, he has the money but doesn't spoil his kids. Obviously they have everything but don't always get their way. It was a good thing, I learnt that wealth tend to get to the head sometimes. Also from stories halima told me about kids in her school. Their father gave them everything they'd need, somethings they want so they don't cause him any sort of embarrassment.

Halima also took my advice and told her father about her boyfriend Rashad. He said she had to finish university first, she's in her final year. So she'll probably get married next year. She's that eager. Her father doesn't mind, as long as she graduates and holds a certificate, she could work after marriage if her and her husband wanted.

I was happy for her, I met Rashad once when he came to meet uncle Ali. He was a quiet man, I wonder how he is with a very talkative halima. Either way, I could see in his eyes he really liked her. Atleast, that's a good thing. Halima deserves the best, she's a happy person I'd hate to ever see sad.

Our first day of school was going to be stressful as we had to do all the necessary paperwork and all. Halima didn't have morning classes, so she volunteered to help us.

It was easier with someone who knew what to do and soon enough I was walking to my class, I had lectures right now but it was just minutes in, I'm sure the lecturer will pardon that. I walked through the open doors and as most people stopped to see who came in, the lecturer stopped talking and turned to look at me too.

"Are you a member of this class?". He asked.


"You're late, get somewhere to sit". It was a calm and silent warning.

I walked to the nearest empty seat I could find, it was just at the edge of the row. Some girl was next to me. I only glanced at her because I had to walk towards her for the seat.

I sat down and placed my bag on my laps, trying to get out a notebook and pen.

"Hey". The girl whispered and I looked at her briefly. She's bespectacled, did I notice that at first? I'm not sure.

I turned back to listen to whatever the lecturer man was saying.

"I'm Annoor. What your name?". Some people don't get when you don't want to talk. I scribbled on my note.

You are distracting me.

"Sorry". She whispered again and was quiet after. She didn't speak again until after the man left.

"Hi, Annoor". She gave her hand for a shake, I glanced at the hand then took it.


"I want us to be friends". You meet someone hours ago, barely talked and you want to be friends?.

"I don't... Just make friends". She smiled.

"Oh, I understand, I'm just telling you, so when we do become friends, you'd know I initiated it". I shook my head at that.

"So, what do you want to do right now?". I gave her a blank look.

"Attend my next class?".

"Ofcourse. I saw you with halima Ali earlier right?".

"Who is she?". I asked.

"Maybe it's not you then. But I love her".

"Are you not a fresher?". I really didn't want to have a conversation with this girl but she was.. how do I put it? I don't know. I was just replying her.

"Yes, but I resumed in the first week, you do know you're two weeks late right?".


"Well, I have a sister, she's halima Ali's friend".

"Oh". My phone rang then and I picked the call seeing it was halima.

"Hey, are you done with your class?".

"Uh, yes. But I have another one right now".

"Okay, my class got cancelled, so I'm going to my friends house. I'll be back before you guys are done then we'll go home together".

"Okay, bye".

"Bye". I hung up and turned to annoor again. She was looking at something on her phone.

She is a pretty girl. She's light skinned, well, a shade lighter than me. I'm not sure if it's her glasses but she has huge eyes, I don't know. Her nose suited her face, her lips plump and pink. Over all pretty, but I'm not going to tell her that. She does look a bit young, my perfect guess would be 17 or 18.

After another lecture, we left home together. Faruq made friends with a lot of people. So he had much to talk about, I didn't introduce Annoor as a friend. I said I met a girl that pestered me, I don't think they believed though. I also didn't believe, I somehow saw a friend in the girl.

When we got back home, Baba was back early and he said their oldest brother, Hashim came to visit, they complained about him not staying to see them but uncle Ali said he promised to come back during the weekend.

That did not happen.


Someone has started schooling, abi should I say, some people. Anyhow.

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