𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

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I had a nightmare and I was frantic, scared. I was feeling everything I didn't want to feel and I wanted to feel something else, I knew what that meant but I made a promise to Baba and... Ofcourse!

I reached out for my phone and dialed his number, he picked quicker than I expected for someone to be woken in the middle of the night.

"Daliah?". That alone calmed me a little.

"I.. I had a nightmare. And..". I stumbled on my words.

"Calm down, you're alright okay". I heard shuffling and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"Are you okay?". He was asking if I had cut myself up.

"Yes". As that left my lips, my room door opened and he came in.

He hung up and came towards me, sighing when he saw I was uninjured.

"Did you recite before you slept?". He asked and I shook my head. I had taken sleeping pills and fallen asleep, I didn't get to recite or say adhkars.

"You'll be fine". He gave me his phone to recite from a Qur'an app and I did.

When I finished, I gave him his phone and I was feeling much better.

"Are you better now?".


"Daliah, you will be fine. Always remember you have Allah okay?".

"Yes". He left me after that.

I prayed nafila and when I saw there was just little time before subh, I decided to wait and just pray before trying to get some rest again.


I am in my room, Baba calls me to meet me in his study. I went there and apparently he wasn't alone, Hashim was there too. I greeted them and Baba told me to sit on the chair beside Hashim, so we were both opposite him.

"Since you said you don't want any event?..". He paused so I could change my mind, which I won't.

"Do you have anything else you want to ask for?".

"No". I answered. An answer I will come to regret in the nearest future.

"I realised, you two haven't really sat together to talk, so...". He started but I cut him off.

"Can we do this another time? My exams are starting this weekend". I said quickly and Baba looked at me with a look.

"I know even if you read tomorrow instead you'll still pass. Just a few minutes okay?". He said.

"Just let her, I also have work to finish up". It's the first time I'm actually hearing his voice, well the first time was when halima called him a long time ago. Every other time we meet he is quiet, halima says we are alike, we are quiet and keep to ourselves, something we have in common.

"No, you two should talk. Even if it's just for a few minutes". He stood up and left us.

I made sure I heard he was really gone before turning to look at Hashim. I couldn't even look him in the eye because his eyes are just like his father's.

"I'll tell him we talked". He stared at me, didn't say anything as I stood up and left.

I didn't lie, I really do have my exams coming up and I need to study and pass to see that smile on Baba's face again. I never get tired of it.

I picked my phone from my bed and called halima, she picked almost immediately.

"Why are you calling me! Baba said you two are together". She said immediately.

"I just left".

"Did you two even talk?!".

"Yes, but like you said we are both very quiet people, so there's no much to talk about. How's Rashad?". I changed the topic.

"He's fine, he'll be back from work soon. I'm making dinner".


"So, Baba said we should start shopping for your stuff you know?". I'm sure she had a stupid smile on her face.

"I'll leave that to you. I have exams to study for".

"You are getting married in like three months and what's bothering you are exams that you will sure pass".

"Thanks, but seriously I have to study. And don't worry, if we are going to get married we will. Even in a years time".

"This girl. Well, I know your exams will only take like two weeks, so whatever".

"Yeah whatever. My regards to Rashad, bye".

"Bye". I hung up and went to the balcony with my laptop and notes and I got to work.

I stopped the studying when maghreb prayer was called, so I prayed and realised again as I have been doing since halima left how much I miss her.

I called annoor after, I didn't have anything important to say but that's what friends are for, to do useless and unreasonable things with.

I needed her rambling and she never fails in that aspect. She did her job well and when I got tired I told her to go study and went downstairs to get a bottle of malt. The one I kept in the fridge in my room is finished.

The house was quiet, as usual. At this time, everyone was doing their thing. I got the malt and was making my way to the stairs when something caught my eye. I moved to the passage way and stood in front of the painting.

The way I did the first day I was brought and other days I passed and had the chance to look. My one way to connect with my father, I don't remember much of him now. He was tall, he loved painting and his studio was wonderful. He loved making me smile. He didn't have to tell but I knew even at a young age that he loved my mother and I.

I'm sure and glad that they are staring at me from above and not Physically here to see what my life is. Though I doubt my life would be like this if they were with me.

There were times when I would be angry at them for leaving me all alone, then there were times I was happy they were in a better place.

I hope they are and I hope to meet them there. I hope they approve of my choice to marry. I hope they approve of Hashim. That's all I can do;



They are getting married for reals!

Hashim is soo quiet.

Hit the star button!


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