𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

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I don't usually keep to dates, not that I have a schedule or anything to do, so dates are really important to me, so even today I had no idea what day it was until I got a call from halima.

"Hey sis".

"Halima, where's my baby". I asked.

"Great, no one cares about me anymore". I could picture an eye roll after that.

"Ofcourse not, how are you".

"It's not your fault. I can't wait for your turn".

"Oh wow, using kids for revenge".

"I'm serious though, one year! Please make me an aunt already".

"It isn't a year yet".

"Really? What's today's date". I pulled my phone from my ear and stared at the screen.

15 October.

"How can you not know your wedding date?!". I felt she wanted to beat me through the phone.

"I forgot".

"Allah ya shirye ki. So what are you doing".

"I'm watching TV".

"Not that, what are you doing for the anniversary".

"You can't be serious. I'm not doing anything, I doubt Hashim even remembers".

"I'm sure he does, where's he today?".

"He's coming here".

"Perfect. Let me not keep you, maybe you're planning a surprise and don't want to tell me".

"Hali...". She hung up on me, I shook my head and dropped my phone.

One year of being married. To Hashim. Time does fly. Looking back, I'd say we've done great. I remember on this day last year, I was in a foul mood and internally crying to be let out of the car ride to Kaduna but here I am today, counting minutes till he gets home.

Speaking of which, he is late, he's usually back by five or so but it's already six and no sign of him. But then, work has probably kept him back. I decided to make dinner even though we agreed on him making dinner today but he's running late and will probably come home tired, it's the littlest I could do for our anniversary at list.

I went upstairs to pray first then stood in front of the full length mirror in my closet contemplating whether to change my sweats and shirt to something more anniversary-ish, I decided against it and went downstairs to start dinner.

Not the usual noodles but also not something elaborate, just okay. I was really using YouTube and tiktok to my full advantage these days. Annoor called via facetime and I picked up.

"Wrong time". I said after picking, I had dropped the phone somewhere she could see me.

"Why? Ooh cooking for Habibi I see". I shook my head from where I was.

"Happy wedding anniversary". She said and I turned to the phone.

"How comes everyone remembered except me".

"Because you are not okay in the head".

"Of course. Seriously though, I was using YouTube to cook".

"Wife material much". I glared at her.

"Let chef Noor guide you".

"When I'm ready to die with my husband from food poisoning, I'll ask for your help".

"Ouch, but you do know I'm a good cook, I've always been".

"Okay. How was work".

"Very stressful and...". I turned to look at her.

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