𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒

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I was back in that shitty hell hole. I was in my room, on the thin mattress. I used a fine room before, until I wronged Boss and he gave me this room as punishment. I sat up, I can't be here again. This is a nightmare, except I am wide awake and I know that this is my room in the hell hole.

I stood up and went to the door, maybe I am hallucinating? And if I just open the door I'll find out it was a nightmare. The door didn't budge though, I started trying to open it frantically, then I started banging on it and yelling to be let out. I cannot be back here!

I heard a door open somewhere down the hall and then the footsteps came closer to my room, I stepped back afraid, waiting for whoever to open the door. It was the Boss. I shivered, not from cold but fear.

He walked towards me and grabbed a fistful of my hair, I winced, feeling strands of my hair pluck out.

"Why the hell will you disrupt my sleep?! Witch". Tears rolled down my eyes as he pressed me against the wall.

"Please let me go". I whimpered.

"Shut up! Why did you remove the contacts". He growled.

"I'm sorry, I was tired". I said and received a slap, the impact causing me to fall to the floor.

"I told you I don't want to see your witch eyes". He kicked my stomach and I winced holding the place.

"But you are stubborn and never listen". He hit me again. He hit me more until he was satisfied and left me on the floor in pain, bruised and bleeding. I screamed, unable to bear the pain.

I opened my eyes, unable to move, I just sobbed facing the ceiling. Then finally, I looked around and realised it was just a nightmare.

A nightmare that felt too real. I felt every touch, every hit. I heard every word, every little sound. I felt everything like it was all real. I sat up suddenly, wanting to feel something else. Desperate for something new.

I led myself to the toilet and grabbed a razor, I held it against my wrist and drew it smoothly. I watched the blood ooze out, I felt the stinging pain, like it was being spread with pepper mint, but it was better than what I felt before. I felt dizziness, another different feeling. Much better, my eyes closed, welcoming the darkness at the same time I slid to the floor.


The next time I woke up was in a hospital room, a bright one at that. I traced the plastic medical rubber rope hooked in my wrist, my uninjured wrist, up to the source. I was hooked to a water fluid and a pack of blood.

I hate hospitals, I wanted to leave. I looked around the room and my gaze fell on a disappointed looking uncle Ali on the visitor's seat. I gulped, I didn't like that look. He stood up slowly, tucking his hands in his pockets, I looked away quickly as he stopped by the bed.

"Daliah". He called but it didn't sound soothing or soft like usual, he's definitely angry.

"I'm very disappointed in you. We spoke about this, you can't do things like this".

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake". I said quietly.

"You don't hurt yourself like this and call it a mistake Daliah".

"I'm sorry".

"Promise me you won't do this again". I can't promise that, but I nodded. Halima came in then.

"If something is bothering you, meet me or halima, faruq or even batool". I nodded again.

He sighed and left the room then. Halima didn't say anything, she just smiled at me and I bursted out crying. She didn't stop me from doing so, she just went and sat on the visitor's chair.

We waited until the blood pack emptied in my system before going back home. We stopped in the dining for breakfast, I didn't have an appetite, I never do. I hardly eat five spoons of food kept before me. Why?

Because I'm used to not eating much. Boss said he likes his girls thin, so he kept me on very light 'diet'. I saw it as him starving of starving me, either way, I couldn't eat what I'm not given. I don't even know where food is made or kept.

"I'm not letting you off the hook today Daliah, you have to eat because you have drugs". Halima said heaping my plate.

"I'm not hungry, I don't have an appetite".

"Baba, that is what she says every time. She never eats". She reported to her father. One look from him and I picked the spoon. He was already angry at me, I shouldn't anger him more. Though I won't be able to finish that much.

Uncle Ali left us at the table and halima made sure I ate a lot, then she gave me the drugs to take. I felt something different inside me, other than the pain and loneliness, I felt a light, because I was being cared for, someone was actually fussing over my health, I felt giddy.

"Let me tell you about my boyfriend". She said when we went to my room.

Faruq and batool already left for school, I guessed because they were not home when we returned.

"His name is Rashad and this...". She tapped on her phone.

"Is his picture". She turned the screen so I could see him. He was in an army uniform.

"He looks... Older than you".

"Well, yes. You don't expect me to marry a small boy".

"You're getting married?".

"Not soon, but yeah. We are serious". She shrugged.

"Does your father know?". I looked at her suspiciously.

"Uhh, not yet but soon". I nodded and she sighed.

"I really like him, scratch that, I love him and he does too. We want to get married, but I know baba won't allow that until I'm done with school".

"Still, tell him. He won't be happy if he finds out from somewhere else".

"Okay, I will".

"How old is he by the way?".

"Uhm 26?". She said.

"Not bad. Tell your dad". She smiled brightly and leaned on her elbows.

"I love having you as a sister. I have someone to tell these things now". I looked at her, not knowing what to say. I was an only child and throughout my life, I haven't had the chance to be sociable.

"This is where you smile and say something sentimental". I shook my head slightly.

"Oh yeah, why do you wear contacts?". I looked at her.

"You must not reply".

"No. I'm just not.. comfortable". I think that's the right word.

"I think it makes you look more pretty". I looked at her. I didn't get that much, but anytime someone said I loved it and it reminded me of my mother.

I guess I now had a sister and it is nice having one.

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