Escaping - Chapter 7

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"No, Dad please. I don't need any bodyguards now." Sunoo pleaded, his voice echoing through the grand lounge of their mansion. He was trying his best not to argue with his father, who sat at the long mahogany dinner table eating his breakfast, dressed for another day at the office.

Sunoo had been dealing with obsessive stalker, and the constant presence of bodyguards only served as a reminder of the traumatic times. He just wanted the freedom to live like a normal college student. But his father was adamant about his protection, even though the main threat - Max - was no longer an issue.

"You still need protection, Sunoo." his father said gently yet firmly, hoping his son would understand. Though his son hardly ever asked for anything, he felt compelled to protect Sunoo until the threat from his stalkers was completely gone.

Sunoo slid into the seat beside his father, desperation in his eyes. "Dad. Now Max is gone. I really don't need bodyguards anymore."

"I don't want any arguments. Did you forget what happened two days ago?" Mr. Kim said, his voice rising slightly in frustration, making Sunoo flinch.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout." Mr. Kim said, his tone softening." But you don't understand - you're still in danger."

Sunoo stared down at his empty plate before he spoke again. "Is this because of your boss?"

His dad didn't respond, just let out a weary sigh, which told Sunoo all he needed to know. Yes, this was because of his father's boss, who had developed an unhealthy obsession for him.

"Just try not to get on his nerves." Mr. Kim said grimly as he got up to leave for work.

Following behind Mr. Kim, Sunoo's mother had a worried look on her face. As they stepped outside, a new pair of stern-faced bodyguards stood stationed in front of their house

Sunoo emerged later with his college backpack, he saw new pair of bodyguards outside their home.

"New bodyguards, Dad?" Sunoo looked to his father, noticing his tense expression and the deep wrinkles of concern on his face.

"You should get to college now." was all Mr. Kim said, fully aware these replacements had been sent by Heeseung, who would be monitoring Sunoo's every move and reporting back to him.

Sunoo longed for the freedom he used to have. Seeing the naked fear on his father's face, he knew there was no arguing. Lee Heeseung, his father's boss, now had complete control over their lives.

Sunoo nodded and agreed to leave with the new bodyguards, probably afraid for what to come next.

He started using his phone when a text arrived immediately on his phone and he rolled his eyes pissed off, knowing who sent him the message, so he decided to reply with anger and he did, having a little satisfaction since he was pissed at his dad's boss Lee Heeseung for changing bodyguards who will keep eyes on him all day long.

Sunoo's eyes flashed with irritation as he nodded reluctantly and allowed the stern-faced bodyguards to escort. The moment he sat in the car, his phone buzzed with an incoming text. He didn't even need to check the name to know it was from Lee Heeseung, his father's infuriating boss.

Sunoo's fingers tightened around the phone as he read the message, his jaw clenching. How dare Heeseung replace his bodyguards. Now he would be trailed by these humorless men in black suits day and night.

Anger simmered in Sunoo's chest. His thumbs flew across the screen as he typed out a scathing reply to Heeseung, jabbing forcefully at each letter. He hit send with vicious satisfaction. It was a small act of defiance, but it eased his frustration. At least he had been able to express his displeasure, even if Heeseung would never actually listen.

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