Entangled - Chapter 5

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The golden sun ascended over the horizon, its rays filtering through the window and bathing the room in a soft, warm glow. Two bodies lay entangled in the sheets, still asleep as the light caressed their skin.

Sunoo began to stir, his brow furrowing as he felt an uncomfortable weight pressing down on his stomach. He shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the heavy feeling remained.

A soft groan escaped his lips as he struggled against the tight grip around his waist, nearly suffocating him.

"Get off me," he mumbled sleepily, wriggling again to lay on his side. But as his eyes fluttered open, they shot wide in alarm.

He sleep alone - so who was holding him so tightly? Sunoo bolted upright with a scream, the blankets falling away to reveal his bare body.

Horror flooded his face as he tumbled from the bed, the sheet tangling around his legs in a desperate attempt to cover himself.

"Who are you?!" he shrieked, looking around wildly. Then the awful realization struck him as he saw all those marks on Heeseung's broad back - he was naked right now. Fragmented memories flashed through his mind. Max drugging him, coming to a stranger's home.

Overwhelmed with fear, Sunoo scrambled back against the wall. What had happened last night? Who had taken advantage of him? He pulled the blanket tighter around himself as tears sprang to his eyes, his slender frame wracked with sobs.

The golden morning light that had promised a new day now seemed to mock him, bathing the room in warmth even as he shook with chilling vulnerability.

Heeseung woke up hearing a scream in his room. He sat up with a groan, eyes adjusting to the morning light filtering into the room.

As he turned, he spotted the pretty little boy he'd brought to his mansion last night cowering in the corner, fear etched on his delicate features, blanket wrapped around his slender frame.

Heeseung prowled over, a predatory smirk on his lips as he stood over the trembling boy.

"Good morning, kitten." he rasped, voice still husky from sleep. His hand reached out to grasp the boy's chin, but the smaller one smacked it away in anger.

"Morning? Don't touch me!" the boy exclaimed, fear and anger mingling in his voice. He looked around the unfamiliar room in a panic.

"Who are you?" Sunoo asked in fear.

Heeseung chuckled darkly. "Don't be angry, you really do look like an irritated little kitten." His eyes raked over the boy's exposed milky skin. "So pretty," he murmured.

The boy shuddered as he followed Heeseung's gaze, trying in vain to cover himself. But Heeseung just laughed again, a deep rumble in his chest.

"Don't hide, I already saw everything last night when we made love."

Sunoo's eyes went wide with shock and fear. "M-made love? Why would I make love with you."

"And w-what did you saw." he stammered.

Heeseung grasped his waist, pulling the smaller frame against him with an iron grip on his waist, eliciting a whimper of fear.

"Your secret, kitten." he whispered hotly in the younger's ear though a frown on his face as if dissatisfied with something younger said.

Sunoo let out a horrified gasp, paralyzed in Heeseung's arms.

"N-no, you took advantage of me." Sunoo shrank back, clutching the blanket around his bare shoulders as it slipped down his trembling frame. Heeseung let out a cruel chuckle, his smirk turned predatory, his dark eyes raking over Sunoo's exposed collarbone.

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